i am a pack rat

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    littleironhorse wrote:

    😆 I am the complete opposite of a pack rat! About once a year I do a major clean up and anything that hasn’t been used in the past year goes to goodwill: clothing, small appliances, sports equipment, furniture, everything!

    And forget about old catalogues, those never even last a year 😆

    I even once got rid of a $20.00 bill… By accident, it was on my nightstand sandwiched between old magazines and fliers and got thrown in the garbage with them (this was before the recycling era) 😉

    I can’t stand keeping old paperwork around either. I think I like to throw stuff and clean up out because Mom hordes everything. Our attic is packed.


    KoishiiKitty wrote:

    completely new at something and no experience at all is called a noob or nooby. new body=noob
    lol. I appose it is slang.

    i guess i am noobish with this word. 🙂


      lol. that is so cute, I never thought of it like that. ^.^


        gryphondreamer wrote:

        i will be moving over the summer. in order to get ready for that–and avoid writing my thesis, i have been cleaning out boxes of ‘stuff’ i have. between my desk drawer and just 3 boxes, i have managed to find 14 windstone catalogs from 1990 to 2005. only ten of them are unique. i am sure i have more in other boxes and with my sculpture boxes.

        why do i have so many? usually when i entered a store with windstones, i rarely had any money to buy one, so i would take a catelog as consolation prize.

        if you still do not think i am a pack rat, i have banana republic catalogs from the 80’s and a small catalog for dragon keep from probably around 1990. these are only the ones that made it out of my parents house. many clothing and doll catalogs were recycled before they moved.

        i need to get a life. 🙁 i had one for a while…then it thought i was dorky and went elsewhere… 😳

        You should try selling them on ebay. I’ve seen them go for about $5.00 a catalogue. I sold several myself for just that price. 14 X $5.00= $70.00… enough for a curly or a griffin chick or a fledgling or a baby pegasus…!


          but how much did you have to pay in fees and postage to sell them??


            Dragon Master wrote:

            but how much did you have to pay in fees and postage to sell them??

            I sold them $5.00 + shipping and sent them regular mail. It just cost the buyer a postage stamp on each. Less even since one girl bought 5 of them. Fees were really low as well.


              kewl anything to get enough money to get another Windstone, especially in this economy


              I have 12 of the catalogs…One for every year from 1994 to 2003…and a couple of repeats, I didn’t count. 😳 I learned from the best!!! (Gramma) 😆
              ROFLMAO!! n00b…World’s best saying!!


                AHAHAHAHA! N00B!!!! j/k

                <~~~~~~Computer geek/fellow pack rat……=P + L33t HaXxzor!


                  tfsculptures wrote:

                  awwwwww i love your thing about used to have a life.. i feel that way too, justifiably!!!!! wow, that should be my new slogan… as my b.f is out drinking with the guys partying it up on st. paddys day – i’m here in mismatched jammies, eating sardines, while chatting on here….. oh yeah babe! lol! we’re rockin! ahh, i like being by myself. people can get irritating sometimes!

                  mmm… sardines on rye with onions. Good thing to eat when alone.


                    Melody wrote:

                    tfsculptures wrote:

                    awwwwww i love your thing about used to have a life.. i feel that way too, justifiably!!!!! wow, that should be my new slogan… as my b.f is out drinking with the guys partying it up on st. paddys day – i’m here in mismatched jammies, eating sardines, while chatting on here….. oh yeah babe! lol! we’re rockin! ahh, i like being by myself. people can get irritating sometimes!

                    mmm… sardines on rye with onions. Good thing to eat when alone.

                    Not a good thing to eat EVER


                      I’m with DM. Yuck! 😛


                        ya know what? i thought sardines were horrific til my mom forced me to try one.. and it tasted like slightly smokey tuna, yum!! apparently she say you MUST have a certain brand only, which is “king oscar” brand sardines in olive oil. thats the key, that brand in olive oil, and soo good and NOT icky fishy! see, melody likes em, if she likes em they must be good! dare i flatter myself on that note saying great minds think alike?! lol!! i like em straight out of the can, but my mom likes em on toast with mayo and pepper.i don’t eat the tail fins yet though, that too much.


                        OH King Oscar and Kipper Snacks!!! ALL the way!!! 😀


                        littleironhorse wrote:

                        gryphondreamer wrote:

                        i will be moving over the summer. in order to get ready for that–and avoid writing my thesis, i have been cleaning out boxes of ‘stuff’ i have. between my desk drawer and just 3 boxes, i have managed to find 14 windstone catalogs from 1990 to 2005. only ten of them are unique. i am sure i have more in other boxes and with my sculpture boxes.

                        why do i have so many? usually when i entered a store with windstones, i rarely had any money to buy one, so i would take a catelog as consolation prize.

                        if you still do not think i am a pack rat, i have banana republic catalogs from the 80’s and a small catalog for dragon keep from probably around 1990. these are only the ones that made it out of my parents house. many clothing and doll catalogs were recycled before they moved.

                        i need to get a life. 🙁 i had one for a while…then it thought i was dorky and went elsewhere… 😳

                        You should try selling them on ebay. I’ve seen them go for about $5.00 a catalogue. I sold several myself for just that price. 14 X $5.00= $70.00… enough for a curly or a griffin chick or a fledgling or a baby pegasus…!
                        I want a couple of them if you are gonna sell them gryphon. I will buy them from you.

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