
Hybrid Emerald Peacock – can we see a current picture?

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      Which ever version you decide on, I think they’re going to sell out of stores fast! I just want my male and fledgling in this color, then I’ll be happy till the OW comes out 😀


        Awwwww…the fledge is gonna be adorable.


        I dunno if I like the lime on the dorsal side…it’s killin’ me. Maybe it will grown on me.


          CherylKaufman wrote:

          I dunno if I like the lime on the dorsal side…it’s killin’ me. Maybe it will grown on me.

          There is a different version in the gallery. Did you see?


          AH HA!!! The one with more blue I would buy the entire family, it’s gorgeous. But I don’t like the lime green so much.


            Ooooo, the male is going to be pretty in this color! 😀 😀

            Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
            Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
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              CherylKaufman wrote:

              AH HA!!! The one with more blue I would buy the entire family, it’s gorgeous. But I don’t like the lime green so much.

              The ones I saw the day I was there had much more blue then anything else


              Oh good- more stuff to spend my money on!


                Wheeeeeeeeee! I hope they come out with the fledgeling in HEP soon!


                WolfenMachine wrote:


                Which ever version you decide on, I think they’re going to sell out of stores fast! I just want my male and fledgling in this color, then I’ll be happy till the OW comes out 😀

                I have to confess, I liked the original peacock emerald hybrid (above) much better than this version. The green is too bright for me…and it looks kind of like rainbow, which I don’t like.

                Is there any plan to do families with the original peacock emerald hybrid color scheme?


                  It looked very much like Rainbow to me when I was there also


                  Yeah, I can see why people might get the two confused…


                  i heart rainbows of all kinds!


                    She said the final version is a perfect blend between the two versions she has. I can’t wait to see the ones the stores get


                    Melody [Dec 04, 2006 at 12:47 PM]

                    Right now. We’ve got a cart of males and females ready to ship, we just need a name! The first ones will be heavy on the bright green though. I’m still adjusting the intensity of the colors.
                    EDIT: I thought that the cart full were heavy on the lighter gold-green , but I just looked at them again, and they are in between the two extremes I’ve shown here. They are perfect.

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