Usually try and go out and do something, Last year I was going to have a drink with my Male but my “Little Birdies” (don’t know what the hell else to call ’em) told me I was pregnant, so I conveniently “Forgot” that I had alcohol in my fridge, I mean they’d been sitting in there for the last 2 years so it wasn’t exactly unbelievable. The year before I got my Mom out to the City Festival downtown, well that was after my Aunt had stolen her away on me to Bingo, so we missed everything(I HATE bingo, umm i still feel as if thats not strong enough- But they used to have really cool prizes where they went on New Years, umm yeah note the words Used to as in past tense)
This year we were going to go to the Water Park in West Ed with Khym for his first New Years but then i remembered I have to work, and I’m not allowed to play WoW on shift anymore so there goes all my previous New Years since Beta!!, so I’m here, and my Boys are at home. At least I have Hellboy to watch, and CBC will hopefully have New Years as it happens across the Country again. I’m expecting 2 maybe 3 people to be here until Midnight, so I’ll be virtually alone, but with just enough people to interfere with my cleaning the place, though I do have a couple of others who have eluded to the possibility of their coming in for 20 min or so randomly. So Fun!!h well atleast it really isn’t that important to me, and really only is when I have family around. Hope Khym enjoys this one night of the year where he’ll be allowed to stay up for the first part of his life 😀