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      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      Thank you very much Melody! 😳 πŸ˜€
      We have life sized pigs decorated around here. One at a bank is covered in pennies. One next to a fabric shop is covered in quilt squares. LOL Oh and outside the pizza parlor is a pig with a chef hat. They are cute.
      I was just wondering. I never got into the Breyer’s…I had a Momma and baby Clydesdale when I was a little girl, but I’m not sure where they went… πŸ™ I’ll have to look up some of the landscapes on those. πŸ™‚

      The landscapes I’ve seen were painted on the “paint your own horse” Breyers, I think.
      I’ve run across all sorts of images painted or scratched onto regular Breyers also.


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      Thanks Lokie! I knew there was another one too. Or should I say I felt there was another. I know there is a Tattooed Ki-Rin somewhere though. I thought the piece was wonderful, even though I don’t collect Ki-Rin. It had a dragon on the side I believe. πŸ™‚
      I am still working on getting more detailed. I never painted on flat surfaces before. Atleast not pictures like I am working on on the Uni’s, so it’s still a rough stage for me too. 😳 I do know, that I CANNOT for the life of me do portraits in pencil of people, so I don’t think I could do people on things with paint. Maybe in an abstract way. Or cartoon characters. πŸ˜•

      That was my Kirin!!! πŸ˜€ I’m glad you liked him! Although he needs some repair love now… I dropped him on Buckeye when I had him, and Buckeye won (Buckeye wasn’t damaged in this altercation). πŸ™„ I plan to do a whole series of them, and perhaps in other sculpts as well! I could see a tattoo on a griffin or unicorn butt, or somewhere on the wolf fur….. :scratch:

      But I LOVE this unicorn! It’s uber cool! I’m not quite that talented…. lol


        I like it – I bet that took a long time to paint


          the figurines that i’ve seen that style painting on (other than breyers) is the painted ponies line of figurines…modeled after life size painted fiberglass horses. We have alot of them here around Lexington Ky…though ours are the standard thoroughbred pose, not the pony pose.

          here’s some of the landscape ones.

          The landscape theme was quite popular on these, and this is just a few of them…..I think they may have been what inspired the breyer landscape horses.


          Thanks PC!!! Wow! Those are absolutely awesome! I love the one of the Badlands. I’ll get there eventually though. πŸ˜€ Like I said, this is my first time trying this style. Nothing like the little beach I did on Tropic. LOL But, I still miss Tropic a lot too! The thing is, I can visit my vineyard whenever I want, so Vineyard is for Star to look at whenever she likes! πŸ˜€
          Oh, I was also informed by Serenity (Edit) that Dragon87 did the Tattoo Ki-Rin. Credit where credit is due.
          Thank you very much Serenity! 8) (LOL Now, that I feel like a real Jacka$$ because I didn’t read everything before I posted… πŸ™„ *slinks off to hide in corner* 😳 )


            You have a vineyard WC? Do you make your own wine?


            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            Thanks PC!!! Wow! Those are absolutely awesome! I love the one of the Badlands. I’ll get there eventually though. πŸ˜€ Like I said, this is my first time trying this style. Nothing like the little beach I did on Tropic. LOL But, I still miss Tropic a lot too! The thing is, I can visit my vineyard whenever I want, so Vineyard is for Star to look at whenever she likes! πŸ˜€
            Oh, I was also informed by Leigha that Dragon87 did the Tattoo Ki-Rin. Credit where credit is due.
            Thank you very much Serenity! 8) (LOL Now, that I feel like a real Jacka$$ because I didn’t read everything before I posted… πŸ™„ *slinks off to hide in corner* 😳 )



            Leigha wrote:

            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            Thanks PC!!! Wow! Those are absolutely awesome! I love the one of the Badlands. I’ll get there eventually though. πŸ˜€ Like I said, this is my first time trying this style. Nothing like the little beach I did on Tropic. LOL But, I still miss Tropic a lot too! The thing is, I can visit my vineyard whenever I want, so Vineyard is for Star to look at whenever she likes! πŸ˜€
            Oh, I was also informed by Serenity that Dragon87 did the Tattoo Ki-Rin. Credit where credit is due.
            Thank you very much Serenity! 8) (LOL Now, that I feel like a real Jacka$$ because I didn’t read everything before I posted… πŸ™„ *slinks off to hide in corner* 😳 )

            Um…Heh…Pretty bad day so far…Sorry Leigha, I managed to go back and get the one, but not the other. 😳 *feels really foolish now…Going to paint…Slinks off*


            lamortefille wrote:

            You have a vineyard WC? Do you make your own wine?

            Oh no….That picture is straight from my mind of how my dream house and land would be…I’d have neough that it didn’t matter if some critters happened along. πŸ˜‰ So, technically, I think of it as “My vineyard”. Oh how I’d love to work with grapes! Maybe one day…guess you never know. πŸ˜•
            There is a small vineyard about 12 miles from here in my home town. For 3 years they planted vines, then stopped. I wish they would buy up those ugly corn fields around them and plant more. I’d love to go out and photograph it. I just noticed about a week ago that the house is similar to the one on the Unicorn, and I never paid attention to the house before at all! But they put up a new Morton building and it’s too big to ignore. It is a house, but they actually went for the windows with all the little panes like I did. It was cool to see it that way. Maybe this summer or fall when the vines are full, I wills top there and ask to take a few pics of it, maybe even show them the Unicorn’s pic. πŸ˜•


              Ah, I see. Well as you said, you never know. πŸ˜‰

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