HIIIIIII MAH NAHM ID ADAM (Chessie told me to say that)

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    That’s Tetris Attack, I was referring to the original (*coughcommunistcough*) kind.

    YES. I corrupted his mind a while ago I think….

    Well, I do have the hat, flask, and pocket watch… Bwahaha. AND I was watching Soviet films yesterday… oh my.

    Oh also, I paint Warhammer models, so I don’t really post pics of them and the like.


      Welcome…. 😆 Love the forum name



      mmloda wrote:

      Welcome…. 😆 Love the forum name

      Hahaha, fantastic. Thanks.




        Welcome! and nice thread title 😆


          I almost got into Warhammer and then I saw the prices of model kits and went “I’m way too poor for that.” If they were metal I probably would have bought some but 80 bucks is a lot for plastic figurines. Maybe I’ll make some molds myself and borrow some plaster from the shop and make my own gaming pieces. They would be based on Hitchhikers guide though.

          I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
          Engaged to a Weasel


          BiPolarBear wrote:

          I almost got into Warhammer and then I saw the prices of model kits and went “I’m way too poor for that.” If they were metal I probably would have bought some but 80 bucks is a lot for plastic figurines. Maybe I’ll make some molds myself and borrow some plaster from the shop and make my own gaming pieces. They would be based on Hitchhikers guide though.

          Yeaaaah… $50 for 10 plastic models is kind of steep. And I have two massive armies. I should post a picture of my uberly huge armies.


          only game pieces like that i have is my huge armie of Drow from D&D…thats it lol


            I also forgot to say that it’s nice to finally meet the famous Adam. I’ve heard much about you…Muhahahaha…just kidding. Just lots of good things. Please post a pic of your figurines. I like hanging out at the game workshop at the mall from time to time just to look at the paint jobs people do on the figures.

            I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
            Engaged to a Weasel


              We love pics here! 🙂


              Do eeeeet! Pictures please very yes!

              Warhammer is amazing. There is something gloriously enpowering to looking down at field upon field, rank up rank of tiny little models of robots and armymen and thinking, “These are all under my control, and cater to my every whim. BWAHAHAHAHA.”

              … Or at least, that’s what I do.


              Chessapeaka wrote:

              Do eeeeet! Pictures please very yes!

              Warhammer is amazing. There is something gloriously enpowering to looking down at field upon field, rank up rank of tiny little models of robots and armymen and thinking, “These are all under my control, and cater to my every whim. BWAHAHAHAHA.”

              … Or at least, that’s what I do.

              Awwwww, yer so cuuuuute! And you played pretty well for your first go!


                My strategy is to have absolutely no strategy and yet look like I have a strategy. Its so needlessly complicated it confuses the enemy completely.

                I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                Engaged to a Weasel


                BiPolarBear wrote:

                My strategy is to have absolutely no strategy and yet look like I have a strategy. Its so needlessly complicated it confuses the enemy completely.

                Oh really? Well, we shall somehow need to have an epic clash of titans and see if my strategy can beat your utter randomness. BWAHAHA!


                  unfortunately I have no warhammer figurines. but I play magic, and a bunch of other things. I like learning new games. Just as long as you don’t challege me to a game of grab ass I’ll be fine.

                  I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                  Engaged to a Weasel

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