Hi! My name is Adam! Please don’t devour me! I;m typing away like I’ve never typed before (just for you Chess). I live in Glendale! I like fantasy! I play Dungeons and Dragons! I DM for Chessie in D&D, I got her to play a game of Warhammer 40,000 an she liked it! Melody accused me of turning her into a nerd! I am a nerd! I like books, movies, videogames, I like painting statues (hint hint Melody) and I have painted well over 100 models for my Warhammer armies. Ich lerne Deutsch. I love history, I hate math. I am personable. I am weird, but in a good way, not a creepy way, and I am a hopeless romantic. My poetry makes Chessie laugh, hopefully in a good way. My writing she says is interesting. That is all I can think to say at the moment! Soooo… again, hello!
Don’t Panic!