Hi, another newbie

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    Hello all, im a brand new windstone collector. Im ive been waiting to join this forum for a few days now.
    Ive been reading through most of the topics so i have had lots of my questions answered :D!

    Im in England and sadly have no windstone shops around but i have brought my first piece from windstone on ebay PYO Dragon and i fell in love with the Griffins and was sooo excited to find one on the UK ebay and brought it as soon as i saw it. i now have no money lol, i guess that happens alot around here!
    I was even more excited when i found a topic about the Black griffin and i was happy that i got a beautiful piece for a good price!
    Bring on the Griffin chicks and ide love a mother griffin in tan!
    Sorry for rambling on im just so excited about windstone! and hope to pop in and chat alot 😀




    Welcome to the forum. Yes, you will find that you will have no money for food, but you must have Windstones. I hope you enjoy your stay. Pop in often… the more the merrier.


    Welcome, welcome, come right in and make yourself at home. Your collection will grow, your wallet and CC will suffer, and you’ll have a lot of fun. 😀


      Welcome to the forum!


        Welcome 🙂


        Thank you 😀 Im only a student so its not as though i had much to begin with lol. Ive got a whole list of Windstone wants! 😀


        You makes lists too? I made one, but then i gave it up and said I want everything except the cat pieces. 😆


        Yeh unfortunately i collect alot of other Dragons and i really have to limit myself. At the mo im sticking to griffins although i don’t want one of every colour and all the flap cats and ide love the mother dragon in multicolour although i don’t think any made it over here before they were retired? How long was the multicolour colour out? Aww its a shame ide never be able to buy anything huge from the states.
        And there are a few other dragons but im only really fond of the new black and gold colours as well as the multi and peacock.


          Welcome to the Poor House…uh..I mean the Forum 😆


            Griffiness wrote:

            Yeh unfortunately i collect alot of other Dragons and i really have to limit myself. At the mo im sticking to griffins although i don’t want one of every colour and all the flap cats and ide love the mother dragon in multicolour although i don’t think any made it over here before they were retired? How long was the multicolour colour out? Aww its a shame ide never be able to buy anything huge from the states.
            And there are a few other dragons but im only really fond of the new black and gold colours as well as the multi and peacock.

            By multicolor, do you mean the rainbow colors?


            I remember seeing rainbow advertised on some of the UK store websites. Of course they were awfully expensive. Have you looked through the list of UK Retailers here on Windstone website yet?


            Oh no i havent how do i find them?

            Hee hee yes sorry i mean rainbow


            There-s a list of retailers under Find a Dealer on the main page. Check here for UK ones.


            Thank you! If i were to buy mother dragon which they have in rainbow it would cost another £17 for p+p cheeper than getting it sent accross the pond though. I’ll have to save ai guess.


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