hey to all the new people and welcome

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  • #512220

      ruffian wrote:

      Nope im gonna call him shirley

      me too……SHIRLEY…..HEY SHIRLEY…..


        Ok, I’m speaking up.
        I’m going back into lurk mode now….


          nessiemom wrote:

          Ok, I’m speaking up.
          I’m going back into lurk mode now….

          YIPPI!! They spoke! Just wanted to welcome you. Have fun in hiding!! 😀


          Hi and welcome, Nessie. Don’t be intimidated by some numbers of posts around here. Just because you don’t chat as much as some of us doesn’t mean you need to disappear altogether!


            nessiemom wrote:

            Ok, I’m speaking up.
            I’m going back into lurk mode now….

            NO!!!! If you go into hiding, however will I know if you are Loch Ness’s mom? 🙁




              me too……SHIRLEY…..HEY SHIRLEY…..

              Down boy!!!! DOWN!!!!! We really need to work on your obedience training.


                Thank you. Since I think I’m a bona-fide Windstone addict, it’s nice to have a place to talk to people that have the same condition… Just so you know a little about me, I’m a 4(mumble)ish student/homemaker that has been collecting as I could since the original brown family came out. I enjoy reading, playing frisbee with my 2 dogs, reading, tormenting my 3 cats, reading, needlework of all kinds, reading, making chainmail armor & jewelry, reading, and did I mention reading?


                  But that’s what nessiemoms do… Lurk… just like their offspring….
                  I’m not sure how to do the avatar thing, ’cause I’d use Ness’ pic if I could….


                  Profile page, at the bottom, add avatar from your machine or browse.


                    nessiemom wrote:

                    Thank you. Since I think I’m a bona-fide Windstone addict, it’s nice to have a place to talk to people that have the same condition… Just so you know a little about me, I’m a 4(mumble)ish student/homemaker that has been collecting as I could since the original brown family came out. I enjoy reading, playing frisbee with my 2 dogs, reading, tormenting my 3 cats, reading, needlework of all kinds, reading, making chainmail armor & jewelry, reading, and did I mention reading?

                    Is that one of your dogs as your avatar? Also, what do you like to read? Romance novels, perchance???


                      Yep. That’s my Nessie. And romance novels! Ummm… how to say this nicely… Ick?

                      No, my favorite authors tend to sci-fi/fantasy. Right now I’m on a John Ringo/David Weber/Eric Flint kick, but have Mercedes Lackey, Terry Goodkind, Brian Jacques, L.E. Modesitt, Elizabeth Moon, etc, etc in my library.


                        nessiemom wrote:

                        Yep. That’s my Nessie. And romance novels! Ummm… how to say this nicely… Ick?

                        No, my favorite authors tend to sci-fi/fantasy. Right now I’m on a John Ringo/David Weber/Eric Flint kick, but have Mercedes Lackey, Terry Goodkind, Brian Jacques, L.E. Modesitt, Elizabeth Moon, etc, etc in my library.

                        Ah well, your taste in books tends to mesh with everyone elses. I have heard Mercedes Lackeys name on here several times. Your pooch is adorable!


                          skigod377 wrote:

                          nessiemom wrote:

                          Yep. That’s my Nessie. And romance novels! Ummm… how to say this nicely… Ick?

                          No, my favorite authors tend to sci-fi/fantasy. Right now I’m on a John Ringo/David Weber/Eric Flint kick, but have Mercedes Lackey, Terry Goodkind, Brian Jacques, L.E. Modesitt, Elizabeth Moon, etc, etc in my library.

                          Ah well, your taste in books tends to mesh with everyone elses. I have heard Mercedes Lackeys name on here several times. Your pooch is adorable!

                          Don’t worry Ski, you’re not alone, I enjoy a good romance once in a while… Who’s your favorite author? I really like Linda Howard, ever since I’ve started reading her books, I’ve become obsessed with men in uniforms!


                            I ADORE Jude Deveroux and Julie Garwood. Johanna Lindsey and Mary Balough are close 2nd. Jude Deveroux is the best, though. I have yet to read a book of hers that I have not read over and over again. Esp “Remembrance.”


                              skigod377 wrote:

                              I ADORE Jude Deveroux and Julie Garwood. Johanna Lindsey and Mary Balough are close 2nd. Jude Deveroux is the best, though. I have yet to read a book of hers that I have not read over and over again. Esp “Remembrance.”

                              Ohhh, Jude Deveroux is one of my favorite romance authors! I’ve read all of the others too. Nice choices Ski!

                              While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!

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