Help with resin horses/opinions wanted

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        I got interested in resins because of people here, so I hope somebody can give me some advice.

        I have a resin horse. This one:

        I believe I actually paid slightly more than $175 for it because I bought the last one. I got it to paint, but actually painting it has proved so intimidating (and I’m so perpetually busy) that I’ve never done more than put a base coat on. It’s sat here, with just a base coat, for well over two years. I think more like three.

        Anyhow… the opinions thing is I can’t decide if I should sell it or keep it. And if I keep it, should I try to come up with money I really don’t have right now to get it properly painted, or should I just call it quits and leave it undone? I don’t know how much a paint job costs, but I suspect we’re not talking ten bucks here. I don’t even know where to begin to look for somebody who does that, other than here.

        Or if I sell it, how the heck to do so? I bought it straight from the artist. I’ve looked at ebay, but I don’t see jack diddly there for this kind of thing, which makes me think the collectors that might want it may not find it there. I know there are places specifically for selling resin horses, but I don’t know where to find them, or which ones are good. The one I did find looked kind of intimidating, lots of rules, lots of jargon. I felt like a total noob.

        So any advice or thoughts or whatever that anybody can give me would be great.


        What a gorgeous resin! 🙂

        I think you might want to check out:

        Because that’s a good place to go to get a feel for what a good paint job might run, or what it might sell for.


          Well, I’ve had some expenses come up, so I decided to go ahead and sell it. 🙂 I listed it on that site. Hopefully that’ll work out.



            🙁 No interest in it so far. Ah well. I think everybody else is broke right now too.

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