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        ok….I beseech all wise internet searchers for your help. There is an item I want desprately but cannot find for sale….ANYWHERE! On the show “Good Eats” with Alton Brown….in the tea episode…He uses a Kamenstein Motion Tea Kettle. The rocket one. When the water comes to a boil…two rockets rotate around the top of the lid, powered by steam. It’s stainless steel with brass accents…and I believe a wooden handle if I’m not mistaken. I want that tea kettle SOOOOOoo bad….and would love help finding it. HElp!!!

        *big hopeful kitty eyes*


        So, what I’ve found is this:

        It is discontinued. It was $69.99 when it was in stock, and many people have put in in ebay under the wanted to buy.

        Good luck finding one, I’ve tried many different tea websites.

        Here is the address for the company.
        M. Kamenstein Inc.
        565 Taxter Road
        Elmsford, NY 10523
        (914) 785-8000


          yeah….That’s basically what I had found…I was hoping I had possibly missed one somewhere…apparently it’s a very sought after kettle. sigh… 😥 My old tea kettle lost its whistle, and I’ve wanted that one for quite a while…though just recently decided it was time to search for purchasing.


            if it’s discontinued….do you think calling the company would help? I havent done that yet.


              Hum. The Good Eats fanpage says you can get it from Barclay’s Coffee, whatever that is. They don’t seem to have a website? Maybe it’s just a store. $80, but you can get $10 off if you mention the fanpage!

              Then again, who knows when the last time that thing was updated was. >.>;


                Found the Barclay’s Coffee site and contacted them, it’s actually a store in California, so they were still open. Sadly, they informed me that they dont carry them anymore, so no luck yet. 🙂 thank you though!

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