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    No no no, Romeo! Absolutely not! Please don’t feel bad! *begs* I actually don’t think anybody does that on this forum. I was just making a general statement.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    No no no, Romeo! Absolutely not! Please don’t feel bad! *begs* I actually don’t think anybody does that on this forum. I was just making a general statement.

    😆 I’m sorry. I know you didn’t mean me. What I have 90 someodd posts. I’m in such a strange mood today. I was really honestly just kidding. 😳 I think I’m just over tired. I was going to put Just kidding as a last line there, but, I didn’t. I’m sorry.


    Oh, don’t worry. I’m just never sure how thin-skinned some people are. Some folks take offense at anything or burst into tears over nothing. 🙂


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Oh, don’t worry. I’m just never sure how thin-skinned some people are. Some folks take offense at anything or burst into tears over nothing. 🙂

      I get like that sometimes…


      Sometimes is the operative word. I think everybody’s pretty well informed about hormones and all that. 😕 What I can’t stand are whiners, people who think they can live in a glass house. Whether it’s a kid who whines to Mommy that his brother’s looking at him crooked or some minority that wants special rights enforced by the government, whiners irk me.


      I’m sure everyone gets like that every now and then. Some days I’m very thin skinned. But, really you just have to have a scence of humor. I know some people with absolutly no humor. Not fun people at all. Some days I don’t have a scence of humor either. But I have to keep my chin up and laugh at the bad things or it would drag me down. (my lifes been anything but rosy. It hasn’t been as bad as some though. There is always someone worse off)


      I’m with you, Romeo. And I have no reason to complain. My life has been a piece of chocolate-frosted devil’s food cake the whole way, so I never have a real reason to get grumpy. Which of course doesn’t mean that I never do. 😀


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        CherylKaufman wrote:

        ya, but are we really in a competition to try to keep up with SKi, frozen, Mimi, and Dragon Master?

        I was kidding. They’re way too far ahead, and I don’t like it when people talk – or post – just to be talking – or posting.
        I do not post just to get numbers. My first 2 weeks where very busy but it has totally slowed down since then. I usually post in response now unless I get a topic idea myself

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