Heads up! Chatroom anyone???

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      mimitrek wrote:

      The chatroom might be fun…but God knows I spend enough time on the forum as it is…he he he…

      lol….yeah….I should be in bed…..or at least coloring….but I’m so burnt out on that……



        There’s where you can download it.

        You’ll probably end up with a weird username though, the normal ones are always already taken, because a bazillion people use AOL.


          SPark wrote:


          There’s where you can download it.

          You’ll probably end up with a weird username though, the normal ones are always already taken, because a bazillion people use AOL.

          make sure your anti-virus is up to date though….anytime I do anything with AOL I get like a million virus…..

          that’s why I don’t like playing…


            I actually use Trillian, not AIM. *shrugs* But setting up AIM does tend to be easier than getting Trillian to go.


              SPark wrote:

              I actually use Trillian, not AIM. *shrugs* But setting up AIM does tend to be easier than getting Trillian to go.

              cool….I actually hardly ever chat…..this forum is the most “chatting” I’ve done in months/years…..


                Oh heavens…. I’m an IRC (internet relay chat) junkie. I have three networks and well over a dozen chanels going most of the time.


                  SPark wrote:

                  Oh heavens…. I’m an IRC (internet relay chat) junkie. I have three networks and well over a dozen chanels going most of the time.

                  EEEp….I was on IRC once….got lost….got scared…..haven’t been back


                    frozendragon wrote:

                    mimitrek wrote:

                    I’ve never used any kind of chatroom before. Do you happen to have a link that explains how to get AIM set up?

                    the forum is really enough chat for me….other than that….people can get my yahoo….or msn….if they really feel they need to talk to me…..I’m so not into all that AOL..AIM….blah blah stuff….

                    but it’s a cool idea….hope you guys have fun….

                    I have to agree. I already spend 1-2 hours looking up all the posts per day (give or take). A chatroom would be nice, but only if it was attached to the Forum. Using AIM and the other stuff is just an extra hassel. You could burn many additional hours using those things. But to each their own – knock yourselves out. 😉


                    It definitely would be more convenient if the chatroom was attached to the forum, so that whoever was online could just duck in and chat for awhile if they felt like it.

                    Most of the time I probably won’t have time to go to the chatroom either….but it would be fun to join occasionally when I do have time…


                    SPark wrote:


                    There’s where you can download it.

                    You’ll probably end up with a weird username though, the normal ones are always already taken, because a bazillion people use AOL.
                    Thanks! I’ll check it out.


                    Dude Vantid, you totally stole my idea…


                      There are a couple of frontend java IRC clients that build into phpBB. I will look at putting one in if it is wanted.

                      You would also be able to use a normal IRC client to connect.

                      I will be running an IRCd server on my new serven when it arrives, so you wouldn’t be adding any extra load to me, you’d actually justify me putting it up (it will share through a few different forums, but you’d all have your own channels with designated ops).


                      Snapdragon wrote:

                      There are a couple of frontend java IRC clients that build into phpBB. I will look at putting one in if it is wanted.

                      Wow, that would really nice! Having a chat room feature on the forum would be pretty cool…


                        Snapdragon wrote:

                        There are a couple of frontend java IRC clients that build into phpBB. I will look at putting one in if it is wanted.

                        You would also be able to use a normal IRC client to connect.

                        I will be running an IRCd server on my new serven when it arrives, so you wouldn’t be adding any extra load to me, you’d actually justify me putting it up (it will share through a few different forums, but you’d all have your own channels with designated ops).

                        Was just about to suggest this! The Java IRC chats seems to work pretty well.

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com


                          Let me know when this starts up. I wanna chat, too!! 😀

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