Happy St. Paddy's Day!

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    I didn’t do anything for St. Patrick’s day. 🙁 Hope everyone had a good time no matter what they did. 😀


      It was all over here on Saturday. Probably not so much in America because religion is getting less and less prevalent.


      I got curious and started asking people yesterday, and it seems like everyone I talked to wore their green yesterday but did their drinking on Saturday. That makes sense I guess 🙂 School/work the next morning and the religious week going on and all.


      emerald212 wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      emerald212 wrote:

      St. Patty’s is the 17th. A lot of celebrations were held on the 15th so as not to conflict with Holy Week, but that does not change the date of the holiday.

      Happy St. Patrick’s! The date is occasionally moved by church authorities when March 17 falls during Holy Week; this happened in 1940 when Saint Patrick’s Day was observed on 3 April in order to avoid it coinciding with Palm Sunday, and is happening again in 2008, being observed on 15 March. March 17 will not fall during Holy Week again until 2160.

      This year, St. Pattys was held on the 15th. I personally dont care and only pointed it out because DM seemed to think it was today. Its not. The church changed it. But as I stated above… Happy St. Paddys. Late or not. 🙂

      Church smurch. My calendar says today is St. Patrick’s Day.

      And all the bars had green beer on the 17th not the 15th lol


        When I lived in Kansas City, MO they had a very large St. Patrick’s Day parade every year and every year it got larger. The last year I lived there the parade was 2 1/2 hours long.

        If you cook your cabbage in the drippings from the corned beef everybody will probably eat it it has a great flavor


          dragonessjade wrote:


          😆 😆 😆


          Haha, I was wondering if someone saw that. 😆


            My favorite Irish toast…..

            May those that love us; love us
            and may those that don’t love us turn their hearts,
            and if they won’t turn their hearts may God turn their ankles so we will know them by their limping!

            twindragonsmum 😀



              My Irish Dad used to toast with:

              “May you be forty years in heaven before the devil knows you’re dead!”



                I like that saying!!! 😆

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