Happy Birthday List.

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  • #527245

      any dog will turn if not cared for correctly


        Some dogs are more prone to attack because of their genetic background. ALL dogs have the potential to be nice and ALL dogs have the potential to be mean. (and there are some out there that are just bad, no matter how they are raised) Most large dogs (and dogs with large jaws) were bred for a purpose… to hunt, to herd, to work, whatever. Even if they are not RAISED doing those things, it is still in their nature.)(Look at herding dogs who will herd kids) While the majority of the dogs temperment is based on how it was raised, some dogs (Chows, Bulldogs, pits, rotts) have a disadvantage because of their past. This is NOT to say that these dogs will turn… only that it may take less provocation to make them do so.


        Feb. 23, 1973. Year of the Ox. I love the Chinese Zodiac, but will forever remain a “Fish-face” 8) (We have a morning radio show that the woman who reads the horoscope of the day always calls Piscies that.). 😆

        P.S. I won’t let my bf get a Rottie…My ex brother-in-law had a retarded one and since then I am broke of that phase of my life (Great Pyranese all the way!!!)


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          January 26

          Its getting towards that time!!! Are you gonna be two DECADES old??? 😯


            WolfenMachine wrote:

            Romeodanny wrote:

            Feb. 29 😛

            May 3. Am I the only Taurus here? Born the year of the Tiger. Grr dahling. I’m the poster child for the Taurean sign

            Nope! There are THREE at least! 😀

            Cinco de Mayo baby!!! 😀 May 5th… 1981!

            Year of the Rooster…


            etc etc, and so on and so forth! 😀

            So all we need is a May 4th to complete the week! 😆

            I’m excited… my bday is on Derby Day this year! 😆


            skigod377 wrote:

            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            January 26

            Its getting towards that time!!! Are you gonna be two DECADES old??? 😯

            No, no, only 19. 😆 This birthday will bring me into my last teenage year – I’m not in it already. (Make any sense? 😕 )


              so you can still look forward to 20!!


              That’s right. I wonder what I’ll be doing this time next year?


                well it gets better as you get older


                Really? I’ll take your word for it for now because I can’t argue to the contrary. But I’m pretty happy with my situation now – and that’s a gross understatement.




                  WindstoneCollector wrote:

                  P.S. I won’t let my bf get a Rottie…My ex brother-in-law had a retarded one and since then I am broke of that phase of my life (Great Pyranese all the way!!!)

                  I like those too! My friend has one and he’s like a great big white teddy bear. 😀


                  Ok, I have updated my calendar. If I have missed you. You can PM me. And if you b-day falls on a weekend, then your b-day post will be early or late. 🙂


                  Thanks for doing this, dragoness!


                    Thanks for all the work, dragoness. By the way, could you put the date on the birthday header or in the first message of the thread? I don’t remember what days they are (already – must be old-timers disease), and that would save me from trying to find it in this long thread. Thanks!

                  Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 525 total)
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