
Grey and Blue PYO Wolf. ^.^

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Grey and Blue PYO Wolf. ^.^

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      Still… not the best pics on this guy… I can’t get any of the interference blue on the wings to show. 😛 But here he is…

      I should have taken pics of the brown one… she’s pretty much done and ready for ebay…. 😛 Oh well… later tonight! 😀

      LMK what you guys think! 😀



          THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN PICTURING!! I am trying to paint this! *Points enthusiasticly* (Minus the blue:) I love it!


            😆 😆 😆

            Try pastels Ski. ^.^

            I’m gonna try to get a tutorial on it soon… but this bugger… has obsconded with my life until he’s finished. 😛

            I can’t wait to see what you come up with. 😀


              Ladybrooklyn, did you paint that horse? It looks very nice!


              That’s one awesome PYO Wolf!


              Looks amazing! How did you do that? Oh, and what are pastels?


                SilverArrow wrote:

                Ladybrooklyn, did you paint that horse? It looks very nice!

                Yup! He’s been the pain in my arse for the last week or so. 😀

                Problems with his paint… crackling in his finish… not having time… then last night as I’m ALMOST finished with him… I run out of Matte Sealer!!! ARGHH!!!!! 😛


                  His gray fur looks beautiful.


                  Beautiful fur coloring, Lady.


                    asinnamon wrote:

                    Looks amazing! How did you do that? Oh, and what are pastels?

                    Thanks guys. 😀

                    These are pastels… Chalk pastels. 😀 What I use on horses and these wolves..

                    And here is Enviado (the horse) waiting for me to attack him with those pastels in front of him. 😀

                    And these are the paint brushes I use to apply the pastel dust… though mainly the lower three on PYOs…

                    Those are my weapons of choice! 😀


                    No kidding! You brush on the chaulk in a “dust” form? Do you mix it with anything to turn it into a liquid?


                      Another beautiful creation! Post a link to the auction when you have it up!


                        asinnamon wrote:

                        No kidding! You brush on the chaulk in a “dust” form? Do you mix it with anything to turn it into a liquid?

                        No… actually… I just dust it on… blend it till I like how it looks…

                        Then I take the piece outside… and seal it with a clear acrylic sealer.

                        So this medium is applied in layers… I think that grey wolf is… approx. 5 layers…

                        And I do it the same every time… dust… blend… seal… dry. then Dust again. 😀

                        Teh final step is applying the different acrylic paints… the interference colors etc. 😀 Those are last. ^.^

                        Finally one last coat of sealer and it’s done! 😀


                          Well the effect is remarkable. I love it.

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