Grab bag young unicorns

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Grab bag young unicorns

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      If one batch is easier for you, than by all means, do one batch. I prefer the fantasy unicorns, but I’m not sure where you would draw the line because many of my favorites have fantasy coloring with some tiger stripes, etc.

      I will say, I don’t agree that it’s always easy to trade for one you prefer later. It just depends.


        I think separate batches would be nice because then someone who know at least they would get one they would like if they are only really into one style. I want a fantasy one myself, not so much a safari one. But if they were in separate batches would they be released at the same time or different days and would there be a way to limit that someone can only buy from one batch instead of both? I would just worry that some may try to get both which might not leave enough for everyone who wants one. Or could you make it that it shows as one batch listed but have a drop down menu where someone can choose if they want safari or fantasy, kind of like other pieces where they would choose an eye colour? So that way they would just get one and get one from the batch they want? I like that idea.

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


          One batch. We can trade to get one we like. If you do multiple batches since there isn’t really a good way to enforce purchase limits other than the honor system, a lot of these will end up going to the same group of people. One batch gives more people a chance at least. 🙂


            I … vote for either one. On the one hand, I prefer one big group, a better chance to get one! On the other hand… if you separate them, but keep the one-per-group rule, then I have a chance at two!

            Overall… I think keeping one big group is the best idea. There is going to be MAJOR competition for this group, if you keep it as one big group, more people will be happy. Fewer will be disappointed that they missed completely. People have already be posting saying ‘if I get a natural, I will trade for a candycorn’ and vice versa. Peeps are already prepared to trade. And besides… most of the batch are AWESOME, so the odds of getting one you like are pretty good. I’m not a candy corn fan… but there are many in those pictures that are lovely! More like painted horses than candy corns.


              Heck, I don’t care… I just want to get one ^_^ LOL!

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                for me I know I don’t want a safari that’s plain to me.For example animal colors (((BUT))) If they are metallic though with some colors like purples pinks and blues and so on I would consider those to be fantasy I would be fine with that.
                SO…………for me anything plain and sorry but drab without metallic colors I would prefer a separate group.


                  I’d say one batch would cause less problems overall.
                  I’m curious though- would it be possible for a drop down selection to be added to the page? Similar to selecting eye colours on PYOs, could u select a preference (and only a preference) on whether you’d prefer a safari or a fantasy one? Of course it depends on availablity whether or not you get your preference though.

                  Just an idea? I don’t know if that would really work though lol.

                  Edit: Sorry, Kimk! I didn’t realise you already mentioned this idea. Apologies 😉


                    Together! Less headaches and means that they go to more people. I’m hoping to get one as a belated birthday present and if I’m not happy with the one I get I’m willing to trade for one I like better. I think most people are ready for that.


                      Great minds think alike Matryoshka. I think that would solve the issues, being able to have one batch but still pick which kind you like.

                      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        One batch please.


                          Great minds think alike Matryoshka. I think that would solve the issues, being able to have one batch but still pick which kind you like.

                          Yeah, but how do they deal with if more people ask for fantasy than they have fantasy? Or vise versa? How do they decide who doesn’t get what they want? If they run out of fantasy before they come to you, do they give you the option to cancel your order? That would be a mess!

                          Also, part of grab bags is that it’s random. Maybe you get one you love, maybe you don’t. I don’t think it’s really Windstone’s responsibility to try to stack the deck for us. We don’t have to buy one if we’re worried about it. 🙂

                          I think the only reasonable way for Windstone to deal with letting you pick fantasy versus non-fantasy would be separate batches which has other problems.

                          These are the last youngs for a while probably. I’ll just be glad to get one 🙂


                            That’s why I think it’s only as a preference 😉 not a guarantee. You can never guarantee you get what you like with grab bags regardless lol. It just gives people only wanting either a safari or a fantasy young a little more hope if there will only be one batch.


                            My problem, the one I love is a blue leopard appaloosa. Would she be safari or candy corn? My second choice is the yellow one with stripes, is she fantasy candy corn or safari?! At this time I don’t have a third choice, it’s the blue spotty that is it for me! But which batch would she be in?!

                            I vote for one big batch!! Please!?


                              Sell them together. It will be less stressful for you, and then you won’t have to deal with the stress of people buying from both batches as a way around the 1 per rule. This way all 120 go to to different people instead of 60 people getting 2 unis.

                              this is my vote too, just what I was going to say…

                              4 things I'm looking for:
                              1. Mother Meerkat
                              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                                I’d slightly prefer them being sold together, as it increases the odds of more people getting one.

                                It will increase the odds of someone getting one they aren’t interested in, which is unfortunate, but that seems like a fair tradeoff for a reduced-stress release more people can participate in.

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