Grab Bag Lady pebble cat going into store at 7:00 p.m. PST 8/22/14

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Grab Bag Lady pebble cat going into store at 7:00 p.m. PST 8/22/14

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      I doubt it was an actual restock. Probably people putting cats in their carts and then either changing their minds or procrastinating long enough that the cats jumped back out. With Grab Bags it is always best to snatch first and think later. 🙂


      @ Elahara

      you probably got the one I grabbed and then let go. I was very excited to have one this time, after losing that fennac, and was hoping to cheer up mary but she was to ill to find any joy in it. She has the Flu (really really bad flu) and I am starting to get it too. So I dropped hoping someone would get who really wanted it so I could tend to my freind at least before I get too sick. 😉 She is more important than a another pebble. Enjoy! 🙂

      Also. Hope every one is well.. I hope I don’t get it too bad (i probably will) the last cold i had i kept for a month. and Carful Corvallians! Mary got it from her aunt in Colfax which is about 6 hours from you guys! They said it has been going around and that stuff travels fast. It is the weak shaky can’t keep your lunch kind of flu. Eat lots of good stuff for your bodies. cya

      Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John) |

      As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
      Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


        At 3:15 pm Eastern Daylight Time the “Notify” button has appeared. The last two cats might have sold by 3, but not much before then, so they lasted about 17 hours. Not bad! I hope that everyone who wanted a cat was able to get one (or two). 🙂


          Oh, I hope you and Mary start feeling better! I’m sure whoever caught the Kitty you dropped will love it – whether it was me or someone else trying for one.
          You guys get well soon, I’ll be crossing my fingers for ya both.

          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
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            I doubt it was an actual restock. Probably people putting cats in their carts and then either changing their minds or procrastinating long enough that the cats jumped back out. With Grab Bags it is always best to snatch first and think later. 🙂

            I don’t think it was a restock. The “notify” button wasn’t up last night. Only the “out of stock” message.

            They finally completely sold out about 15 minutes ago.

            Good luck to everyone!

            Life is beautiful.


              Melody said about 115 cats are in this batch. I’m surprised they went so fast!

              I have successfully caught a kitty. Good luck to all who don’t have one yet.

              I counted 134 when I photo’d them. Susie sometimes will reserve a few in case the store does something weird,(like sells more than we have) and there are always a few stragglers that don’t make it into the class pic..(We usually ebay those).
              So my point is, the actual number is fuzzy!
              Love fuzzy.


              I missed them, been offline for a while, but I will just wait for LP cats. The ones in this batch that I see in the pictures are absolutely gorgeous, so congratulations to those of you who snagged some!


                Aw…I didn’t see the message about the kitties until this morning. -sighs- Was actually wanting to participate in this grab bag. Hopefully will see the pebble lady cats again soon…maybe then I can snag one.


                That’s funny 🙂 I wonder if the crazy cats will be fat cats, or lady cats.
                Thanks for this batch, it’s so pretty ~!

                [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]

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