Grab Bag BABY Unicorn Livestream!

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    Wampus Dragon

      I think the tye dye (if you are referring to the kind like that neony green and teal one I saw in livestream) should be left in. That IS fantasy and you could trade that just as easy as anything. A metallicy/interferency but otherwise normal pinto wouldnt go over well in comparison.

      70 is a decent size batch at one per person. You ALWAYS run the risk of missing a batch whether its 70 or 150. Its a risk you take. These should never EVER be a lottery system.


        I agree these should not be a lottery system. For one, that would be an enormous amount of work for someone at Windstone. Which would add to the overhead cost of creating these guys and quite possibly require a price hike to support the lottery system labor.

        Then, if any of the buyers fall through, Windstone is left chasing down alternates. Not very fair to them! (And another potential point of additional costs!)

        Honestly, it’s nice that Windstone goes to the trouble of setting a limit at all. 🙂 They make the same money whether 1 person or 100 people buy the unicorns.

        I wonder if it would be useful to set up a poll for the other points under debate: split batch or one batch and 1 or 2 limit?


          I think the tye dye (if you are referring to the kind like that neony green and teal one I saw in livestream) should be left in. That IS fantasy and you could trade that just as easy as anything. A metallicy/interferency but otherwise normal pinto wouldnt go over well in comparison.

          70 is a decent size batch at one per person. You ALWAYS run the risk of missing a batch whether its 70 or 150. Its a risk you take. These should never EVER be a lottery system.

          agreed, anything wild and crazy is fine, pink good, brown with a little interference not so good…I was just thinking though, is it possible to add more paint to the little more plain ones to make them more like the rest?

          and no no on the lottery for me as well…it doesn’t make it anymore fair and just leads to more work for Windstone to figure all out and keep track of…

          Kiya: as far as limits, I’m in the two camp….

          4 things I'm looking for:
          1. Mother Meerkat
          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

          Wampus Dragon

            Kiya: as far as limits, I’m in the two camp….

            I am also. Since after the first young batch, it’s always been two. And I’d prefer that it stay that way as a grab bag staple. Melody has even said the idea behind it was ‘one to keep, one to trade’ or something along those lines. Its a lot less disappointing to get one you like and one you dont, than to just get one that you dont like.


              Kiya: as far as limits, I’m in the two camp….

              I am also. Since after the first young batch, it’s always been two. And I’d prefer that it stay that way as a grab bag staple. Melody has even said the idea behind it was ‘one to keep, one to trade’ or something along those lines. Its a lot less disappointing to get one you like and one you dont, than to just get one that you dont like.

              that’s how I feel about it, one to keep, one to trade….
              the last time I did the baby batch, I bought two and it ended up with this way, one I love and one I didn’t like at all and was traded to someone who loved it….

              4 things I'm looking for:
              1. Mother Meerkat
              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                I think the tye dye (if you are referring to the kind like that neony green and teal one I saw in livestream) should be left in. That IS fantasy and you could trade that just as easy as anything. A metallicy/interferency but otherwise normal pinto wouldnt go over well in comparison.

                Agreed! Last fantasy batch of baby uni’s I got a very normal looking palomino, with a hint of glitter…Don’t get me wrong, it was a pretty enough little uni but I was expecting something more fantasy like. No one wanted to trade (except I think someone else who had a palomino, but I didnt see a whole lot of point in trading for almost the same thing lol), so I eventually gave up. If there are more such examples in this batch they should definately be taken out for a less fantasyish group. Especially if the price is going up. >.< I am one of those who like the ones that are way out in left field though, rainbow zebras and tye dye spotty ones are right up my alley 😉 Even the bright, eye popping pink! But another faintly glittery horse one…bleh!

                On another note I really hope these are out by wendsday since I will be gone for over a week starting thursday. No internet where I am heading either! Not even cell phones lol. Sometimes remote is inconveniant!


                  that’s how I feel about it, one to keep, one to trade….
                  the last time I did the baby batch, I bought two and it ended up with this way, one I love and one I didn’t like at all and was traded to someone who loved it….

                  If you got one you loved, that’s more than many people got. If you only end up with one you want to trade, you still have a chance to get one you love (which is better than those who couldn’t get one).

                  I still don’t see why, in small batches, a limit of one is bad. If you were only trading for non-unicorns this would make sense, but most people trade unicorns for unicorns, so you’re just ending up with two you love and someone else ends up with none.

                  I don’t control the limits, obviously, but I still advocate for giving more people a chance rather than having fewer people end up with more.


                    If you got one you loved, that’s more than many people got. If you only end up with one you want to trade, you still have a chance to get one you love (which is better than those who couldn’t get one).

                    I still don’t see why, in small batches, a limit of one is bad. If you were only trading for non-unicorns this would make sense, but most people trade unicorns for unicorns, so you’re just ending up with two you love and someone else ends up with none.

                    I don’t control the limits, obviously, but I still advocate for giving more people a chance rather than having fewer people end up with more.

                    it’s unlikely people would keep both, there’s always something we don’t like, for me, it’s pink, others it may be the stripeys…anyhoo, we all like different things, they all still have the chances of being traded or bought by someone else…

                    4 things I'm looking for:
                    1. Mother Meerkat
                    2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                    3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                    4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                      I think the “normal” ones for most people are the ones that are a normal pattern (sabino or buckskin pinto, etc) with interference or colour shift paint. I’m not really sure why a brownish blue one is normal and a solid blue one is highly desired, but that seems to be the general trend.

                      Also, it might be worth it to split the batch anyway, just because it gives people two chances at catching them in the store. That worked really well for the youngs last time. A “crazy” batch and “somewhat less crazy” batch could work.

                      I agree that they’ll sell out super fast regardless or whether the limit is one or two. However I think people would be less sore about missing them if the limit is only one. I’m happy either way 😀


                        While some of the really crazy designs I loved, there were some that were not for me and I do not mind the ‘calmer’ fantasy ones (bald faced, solid fancy colored), so even if they were included, there would be those who would want them.

                        I think the reason there have been fewer chances of trading with the GB poads is that there has only been 1 batch. Same thing happened with the first batch of grab bag baby unis. There haven’t been any more out there or a guarantee that more will follow, the possibility of trading is less likely. If another batch or two were to come out, I think the chances of trading would increase for those still trying to trade for something better.

                        I personally would prefer a limit of 2 (my wallet might not be happy), however I am perfectly fine with a limit of 1. The increase in price is more than understandable with the work involved with what has been produced!

                        They are grab bags and you don’t know what you will get. Just being able to even get one is enough for some, while some are very specific in what they want to receive when they open their package. It’s the chance you take with purchasing one. *shrug* No matter what is done with limits, price or how the batch is ‘split’, there will always be someone not completely happy or satisfied, because everyone has their own ideal of what to expect. 🙂


                          No matter what is done with limits, price or how the batch is ‘split’, there will always be someone not completely happy or satisfied, because everyone has their own ideal of what to expect. 🙂

                          Yar! 🙂 Melody is a brave lady to keep doing these grab bags since we’re all so vocal about them. LOL!

                          Honestly (and I’m including myself in this statement!) what would be REALLY nice this time is if any of us get ones we don’t like to stay positive and not say overly bad things about them.

                          Someone will like the unicorn if we don’t and it’s probably not too cheery for Melody to hear everyone complaining and calling the unicorns ugly. 🙂


                            No matter what is done with limits, price or how the batch is ‘split’, there will always be someone not completely happy or satisfied, because everyone has their own ideal of what to expect. 🙂

                            Yar! 🙂 Melody is a brave lady to keep doing these grab bags since we’re all so vocal about them. LOL!

                            Honestly (and I’m including myself in this statement!) what would be REALLY nice this time is if any of us get ones we don’t like to stay positive and not say overly bad things about them.

                            Someone will like the unicorn if we don’t and it’s probably not too cheery for Melody to hear everyone complaining and calling the unicorns ugly. 🙂

                            I agree! I feel that part of gambling is taking the risk you won’t end up with something you like.


                            I also totally agree with this. I love the Grab Bags, and every time I see the negativity some people put out I worry that Melody is going to get tired of it and stop… The reason we don’t get big grab bag pieces is that she doesn’t want anyone unhappy with an incredibly expensive piece. I don’t want to see our little grab bags shuffled into the same category!


                              I’d love to get my hands on a grab-bag baby uni or young Poad. I totally missed out on both. I like the surprise element of the grab-bags–like a box of chocolates–you never know what you’re gonna get!

                              Wampus Dragon

                                If some people miss it because they are not online at the time they are released, thats the risk they take. Its the risk people take every single time. They will always sell out, given the nature of them. But I will still ALWAYS advocate a limit of 2 for the same reason Melody did.

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