grab bad curlie's?

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      I was wondering if you had thought about maybe doing some curie’s like the grab bag uni’s? I think it would be really cool.


        I have no idea if this makes it unlikely or not. But, I’ve looked at the curlies and it seems like they would be hard-ish to paint. They have a lot more layers of color and nooks and cranies than the average unicorn. Doesn’t seem like something Melody could make a stencil for and knock out.

        I’d LOVE grab bag curlies, but I think they would be time-prohibitive to make.

        Grab bag baby griffins or maybe even fledglings seem more likely to me.


          Someone asked about this, I don’t remember, it was brought up somehow, and I remember melody saying that dragons are a lot harder to paint than unicorns.

          BUT I think she did say she had the makings of baby poad grab bags in the works but I don’t know what happened with that.


            Someone asked about this, I don’t remember, it was brought up somehow, and I remember melody saying that dragons are a lot harder to paint than unicorns.

            BUT I think she did say she had the makings of baby poad grab bags in the works but I don’t know what happened with that.

            Ooh I missed that conversation! I can see how curlies would be difficult. I would love a grab bag baby poad though!!


            I’m up for grab bag anything 😀 (Well, the less expensive sculpt, the better-lol)


              Grab bag baby griffins or maybe even fledglings seem more likely to me.

              Grab bag fledglings!? *brain explodes*
              (I don’t expect GB fledglings to ever be made, but the idea is amazing.)

              I seem to recall reading something about GB baby poads, and the design seems simple enough to paint quickly, so that makes sense. I think small flap cats might work too, and they would certainly be very popular. Aside from the baby pegasus, I can’t think of any other sculpt that’s small and relatively simple enough to work as a grab bag piece.

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