
Good Practice Ideas Before Painting a PYO?

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    I’ve been eyeing up the PYO’s and kinda been wanting to do one, but I have zero practice painting figures or any three dimensional object. I have been looking at some tutorials on the matter, but I would still like to practice on something first before I buy myself a PYO. Anyone have any ideas on what I could use?


      Why not try some of the plaster figures you can find at some of the crafts stores? Sometimes there are garden figures that are inexpensive or birds or frogs that could provide some practice? Walmart may even have some plaster figures around to try out.

      A good PYO to try out is the Muse. It is small and has every texture you could think of to paint (scales large and small, fins, feathers, fur, etc.). You can totally go crazy and make them look super cool. 🙂 They even have little jewel spots on them and can hold small things in their beak/mouth. 🙂


      Thanks for the suggestions and the link! I’ll keep an eye out for ceramic figurines or something similar to practice on when I go to get the right sort of acrylic paints and supplies. The muses do look like they would be good practice, but with shipping and everything I would rather wait until I have experience and get a dragon or kirin.


        The muse is a little guy/gal, so the shipping is minimal. Of all the PYOs, the muse is the cheapest shipping-wise. The most expensive is the keeper.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          I bought a couple small lizards/frogs/turtle from Hobby Lobby in their garden section to practice on.. they were good for the textures I’d be encountering with the dragon and were like $3 ea. As mentioned, Walmart or even maybe Home Depot (or some sort of garden center that carries lawn ornaments) would be just as good 🙂


          The muse is a little guy/gal, so the shipping is minimal. Of all the PYOs, the muse is the cheapest shipping-wise. The most expensive is the keeper.

          Hmm, true. I just checked, and it looks like shipping for the muse would be about $8, which is a lot cheaper then I was expecting. That said, shipping for the kirin is only about $11, so not that much more.


            The muse is a little guy/gal, so the shipping is minimal. Of all the PYOs, the muse is the cheapest shipping-wise. The most expensive is the keeper.

            Hmm, true. I just checked, and it looks like shipping for the muse would be about $8, which is a lot cheaper then I was expecting. That said, shipping for the kirin is only about $11, so not that much more.

            I couldn’t ever justify the muse when I could get small dragons for $5 more… once I took the leap I ended up with 7? PYOs XD to work on, lol.. one has been finished, and one is *hopefully* close to finished! lol.. they’re a lot of fun, and for me anyway, were a lot less intimidating once I started working on one


            Oh thank you for posting this thread! I’ve painted in the past, but have never been overly pleased with the outcomes. My sister just asked me to paint a muse for her for Christmas and I AM TERRIFIED. She has much more confidence in me than I do, clearly.

            Quick question – I just checked my local Hobby Lobby and A C Moore’s but didn’t find any unpainted plaster. Are ya’ll talking about unpainted plasters? Maybe I just missed them……


            I was at the art store close to me today to pick up some extra commission supplies, and I notice they had a bunch of delta ceramcoat paints (no paintable figures though). I saw these were mentioned in a PYO tutorial. Anyone use them? How are they?


              I don’t know how close he is to being produced, but the Foo Pup should be the best deal of all the PYOs. He’s only an inch an a quarter long, so he can’t be all that expensive, and the shipping even better…



                You could also try Breyer’s activity kits 🙂


                So, uh…. I just bought a PYO dragon and Kirin. :O

                There’s my early birthday present to myself! And I’ll probably find something to test on when I go get the paint and supplies. But eeee, I’m so excited!


                  I was at the art store close to me today to pick up some extra commission supplies, and I notice they had a bunch of delta ceramcoat paints (no paintable figures though). I saw these were mentioned in a PYO tutorial. Anyone use them? How are they?

                  I use them; I like how they’re opaque compared to some of the FolkArt.

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  I was at the art store close to me today to pick up some extra commission supplies, and I notice they had a bunch of delta ceramcoat paints (no paintable figures though). I saw these were mentioned in a PYO tutorial. Anyone use them? How are they?

                  I use them; I like how they’re opaque compared to some of the FolkArt.

                  Thanks. Opaque is good.

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