Going out of town for a convention

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      I’m leaving tomorrow morning to go to a convention for the weekend. And I have a favor to ask:

      If the pearl griffin chicks show up on Ebay, would someone get one for me?

      Also, the calico flap cats shouldn’t go up until next week, according to Melody, but if they do, would someone get me one of them too?

      I would love you forever, and would maybe throw in a pressie with the payment! 🙂



          The flap cats are regular auction so you will be safe. 🙂


          When are the baby griffins expected to go up? I know melody said there were some pictures in the announcement bit but i donno where they are 😕


            Karen said “soon, but not yet.” If its not tomorrow night, it will be next week sometime.




              skigod377 wrote:

              The flap cats are regular auction so you will be safe. 🙂

              No, they are only putting two on regular auction. The others will be Buy Nows. There’s a photo in the Gallery that Melody says this on.


              where is this gallery with the cats and griffins? I can never find them 🙁


                Griffiness wrote:

                where is this gallery with the cats and griffins? I can never find them 🙁

                Do you see at the top of the page, where it says “Windstone Home :: Forum :: Gallery”? Click on Gallery. There should be a photo still in the New Additions section.


                  emerald212 wrote:

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  The flap cats are regular auction so you will be safe. 🙂

                  No, they are only putting two on regular auction. The others will be Buy Nows. There’s a photo in the Gallery that Melody says this on. I looked and it does not say that under the cat picture. It does mention that two will be auctioned seperately, but I didn’t see a BIN mention. Is it somewhere else? If she does do them BIN, it would be unusual, since she has never done it before for a prototype peice. Signed and numbered, regular auction would be my bet.


                    If I’m not on, will someone please grab me the griff chicks and a cat as well please? I’d appreciate it! =P


                      Hmm. I guess I just assumed that’s what she meant since she said they would be auctioned separately. Separately from what? My mind said, “The Buy Now listings of the other cats.” I hope they’re not auctions. I want one, but can never pay the prices the auctions pull in.


                        I just looked under the topic. The cats will be limited edition, which means regular auction and no more when they are done. I’ll snag an extra chick or two when they come up, though.


                          kk, thanks Ski, you’re the best! =P


                            emerald212 wrote:

                            Hmm. I guess I just assumed that’s what she meant since she said they would be auctioned separately. Separately from what? My mind said, “The Buy Now listings of the other cats.” I hope they’re not auctions. I want one, but can never pay the prices the auctions pull in.

                            The other two will just be an edition of two, im guessing. Different from the others…like she did the red-eyed and blue-eyed violet flame old warriors when she saw they had different eye colors. There are quite a few, so maybe they will come down in price.

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