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- This topic has 28 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years, 10 months ago by Brandy.
April 11, 2012 at 4:07 pm #878154
I think we all have moments we want to curl into a ball and give up. But life is a challenge, if we didnt have to struggle to meet our goals what would be the point of having them? I hope every one of us finds the strength inside to continue on and overcome any obsticles in the path of life. So HUGS and a cup of coffee all around, don’t ever give up!
April 11, 2012 at 6:00 pm #878161*hug* I completely understand
I went back to school after I was no longer able to work in the field I have been in. I’m 6 months (yikes!) away from graduation. I did not want to get out of bed this morning and wonder if this is going to be worth it. I’m tired of the all nighters to get projects and papers done, studying, research, working a job (sometimes 2) to make ends meet and having no social life. :tired:
I keep telling myself that this WILL be worth it. I’ll have a job, be making money, not have to do homework and be able to have a social life, but there are a lot of days where that is really, really hard. :tired:
I keep chanting the saying from the First Transformers Movie “No Sacrifice, No Victory” to help keep me plugging along.
Keep telling yourself that it WILL be worth it and the pain and frustration will go away once you’re done, that you can do this. You will be so proud of yourself once you graduate!
Hang in there girl! You can do it! *hugs*
April 11, 2012 at 10:13 pm #878181Thanks everyone for your stories and your support. Lately, I’ve been having these meltdowns and feel overwhelmed like I’m not going to get everything done. I had a nice talk with some of my classmates and they all pretty much felt the same way. We’re all excited and scared at the same time. We wonder if we’ll be able to cut it once we’re out in the field. A good portion of us are over 40–we pretty much started our lives all over again by going back to school.
But sometimes I just want to scream and scream and scream and scream! I know I’ll feel better once I get all the required work done on my labs. I know it would be foolish to turn my back on all this hard work–this represents the last two years of my life.
I just get down on myself and become so full of self-doubts and then something comes up that you’re not getting the hang of right away–the frustration builds and you start to wonder why you’re doing this to yourself.
My graduation ceremony is May 24th–I already have my cap and gown on order and might even have pictures taken. So I’m pushing ahead like I’m going to do this. At least I know I’m not alone and I know there are others on here who are dealing with a lot worse.
Thanks again for the moral support everyone. I hope to be posting good news next month.
April 13, 2012 at 9:54 pm #878273I started reading a book called 8 Minute Meditation – written by a guy who started meditating at the advice of an older student when he was in law school. Apparently meditating helped him quite a bit. You might want to check that book out. I haven’t started the meditating yet (still reading the prologue type thing to make sure I don’t do it wrong, lol), but it couldn’t hurt to try. =)
April 15, 2012 at 4:06 pm #878328I started reading a book called 8 Minute Meditation – written by a guy who started meditating at the advice of an older student when he was in law school. Apparently meditating helped him quite a bit. You might want to check that book out. I haven’t started the meditating yet (still reading the prologue type thing to make sure I don’t do it wrong, lol), but it couldn’t hurt to try. =)
You’re right–I have tried meditation off and on. My problem is that I can’t sit still long enough. The craziness has eased up because I made great progress on some of my lab work. I now only need three more blood draws instead of six–that helped ease my mind some. It isn’t over though.
I don’t like to jump up and down and do a screaming zombie fit at every stress factor in my life. I do let things build up and then I just blow. But I notice when I blow, things ease up a bit. As soon as I posted this, things started happening and I was getting things done. I’m hoping by the end of the month, I’ll have my lab requirements done–then I get to worry about internship. Always something to worry about–always something to kick you in the butt!
April 15, 2012 at 5:18 pm #878334This is why you should “blow up” when something small bugs you. Letting it all accumulate isn’t good. The trick is to find out a good way to vent for small things. If posting about it here is enough, then go ahead! Sometimes, you need to talk and vent to someone, whether friend, fellow student, family member…
Very often, it’s not the big things that take their toll on us (that’s another topic), but an accumulation of the small things. Taken isolated, they sound silly, but add them up, and boom! You explode, burn out, whatever. So take one thing at a time, especially when you have such a busy schedule, and the mountain won’t seem so big.
I didn’t burn out during school (I did my Masters in French literature), but later, when I had a crappy boss who overworked us. Because of it, I’m now prone to burnouts if I let things pile up too much. So I do something about the ones that can be actioned immediately, and it helps with the things that can’t be taken care of so quickly.
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.
http://www.sarahjestin.com/feedbacklists.htmApril 17, 2012 at 1:58 am #878409I’m glad you’re feeling a bit less frazzled now. Keep going – you’re definitely capable of doing this! See how far you’ve gotten? Good job!
Don’t let yourself get too discouraged or too overwhelmed. As i like to tell my friends… “just…breathe!” (now if only i would follow my own advice more often, hehe)
April 20, 2012 at 12:56 am #878563oKAY–sort of felt that once I blew, things would start falling into place. At the time of me posting this thread, I was behind on my lab skills and just felt overwhelmed with all the stuff I needed to dp–pass these classes, get my internship papers ready, get all my homework done and of course, catch up on lab skills.
The biggest stressor was doing blood draws and back then, I had six more to do with most of the class already finished and moving on.
Well……today I finished them! Got all my homework for classes done and just need to worry about an oral presentation and term paper. These things are doable because I have control over them. Blood draws I didn’t–either you get people or you don’t. Well I found some people with some not-so-hard-to-find veins and got it done!
So I’m pretty pleased, right now. Just have a lot to do and the next stresser is getting a place to do internship–I have a facility in mind and already volunteer there, so I hope that means something to them.
For once things are starting to look up a bit and I’m thankful for it!
April 20, 2012 at 2:07 am #878569That is great news! 🙂
April 20, 2012 at 3:59 am #878574YEAH LadyFirebird that is fantastic news and I am so happy for you that you are feeling better about the place you are in and you sound much more optimistic about your own success and ability. Cheering you on even though I do not know you personally. Keep it up and persevere. You can and will do fantastic!!!
Happy smiles and best wishes and cheering squad from me to you! 🙂
April 20, 2012 at 1:30 pm #878581Awesome!
April 21, 2012 at 5:22 pm #878628Good for you!! I knew you could do it. 😉
May 4, 2012 at 2:16 pm #879726It’s been a long haul–emotionally and physically–but it’s slowing down and coming to an end. Most of my homeowrk is done, term paper turned in, oral presentation given and lab skills done. My internship package has been filled out and my instructor has faxed it to the facility of my choice. From what she says, I’m next up if anything comes up–got my paperwork done and just waiting. How I’d love to hear from them that I have an internship! Next, hopefully, employment!
My goal was to be gainfully employed by the end if this year–it isn’t over yet. So I could use all your positive thoughts and well wishes to help get this done!
Thanks everyone–you’re the greatest!
May 4, 2012 at 4:12 pm #879732Sending oodles of positive thoughts your way LFB and the best of luck getting the internship that you want! Employed by end of the year is in the bag!!!! 🙂
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