Gift Certificates

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      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      Oooooh…lots of holidays….

      Christmas’s, Birthdays, and Valentine’s, OH MY!! 😆

      And not expiring, that is great!!

      Wait, I do have another question though…Can they be used to pay for things won on ebay from Windstone itself? Since it is coming back to you? ❓

      I also wondered if they can do that. It would be so cool if they could though! I could maybe afford one of those LE pieces, if I accumulate enough certificates.


        If that’s the case I’ll start buying them for myself as a way to save up.


        emerald212 wrote:

        If that’s the case I’ll start buying them for myself as a way to save up.

        That was why I lobbied a year ago for them- it’s the only way I can save ENOUGH to buy the things I really want.


        emerald212 wrote:

        If that’s the case I’ll start buying them for myself as a way to save up.

        Hmm, that’s a way to get around the CC limit…


          Always thinking is our GB…. 😉 😀


            We are having some problems with redemption of the gift certificates and are trying to figure out what is wrong.

            And there may be no way to use more than one of them on a single purchase – so please don’t plan on that until we find out how they work! We are difinately in a test phase with them right now!


              Good news! 😀 Thanks to lots of help we’ve straightened out the gift certificate redemption problem! And it appears that more than one certificate may be used on a single purchase! 🙂 Things are looking good, however no one has attempted to purchase the paper form of the Gift Certificate (one we would mail to the purchaser or to the recipient) so we don’t know how that will work. If you try to buy one of those and have problems, please email me and we’ll solve those problems! Thank you!


                Oh, Yippy. Thanks so much for all your hard work Susie.


                Yes, thanks. 😀 That’s great that we can use more than one at a time.


                  WindstoneCollector wrote:

                  Wait, I do have another question though…Can they be used to pay for things won on ebay from Windstone itself? Since it is coming back to you? ❓

                  It doesn’t look like this question was ever addressed.

                  I’m expecting to get a mixture of.. well I’m hoping at least to get some Winstone and Ebay gift certs for Christmas this year. Would I be able to use the Winstone certs in addition to the Ebay ones if I win a special piece off Ebay? Just want to make sure ahead of time, so I don’t get stuck putting a large chuck of something on my CC!



                    Wait, I do have another question though…Can they be used to pay for things won on ebay from Windstone itself? Since it is coming back to you?

                    I’m sorry, the gift certificates can only be applied to purchases made through our store. We cannot use them toward ebay purchases. Maybe some day in the future we will figure out a way to do it, but as of now we have no way of processing them except through the store. Sorry.


                      That’s what I thought, but wanted to know just in case. Oh well… guess I won’t be going after that other special piece I wanted.

                      Thanks for letting us know Susie! 😀


                      Susie wrote:


                      Wait, I do have another question though…Can they be used to pay for things won on ebay from Windstone itself? Since it is coming back to you?

                      I’m sorry, the gift certificates can only be applied to purchases made through our store. We cannot use them toward ebay purchases. Maybe some day in the future we will figure out a way to do it, but as of now we have no way of processing them except through the store. Sorry.

                      😯 Well, that shoots my plan for advance funds on an SK in the foot… Of course, it frees up quite a bit of money now for more pretties… 😕


                        So sorry your saving plans arent going to work GB. 😥


                        Meh. I looked into it and I can load money onto my credit card from my bank account and use my CC like a debit card. You’ll still have reckon with me over that ALSK. 😛

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