GB's artwork – Illumination No. 1

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    starbreeze wrote:

    It came out great!!! I’m not sure why you called it “orange foxes” though. 😕

    Copied from DA:
    My youngest brother asked what these were, and Mom informed him they were “orange foxes.” Therefore, they are.

    Makes sense, no? (I had no idea what I was gonna call them anyway. It’s not a breed I’m using in my book or anything. 8)


    Adaneth wrote:

    They are cute! 😀 (And I like that the horns grow backward–baby can have a drink of milk without goring mommy! 😳 )

    Heehee. I always figure that on true unicorns, the baby’s horn only starts growing out once it’s weaned. They’re hardly born with horns. Calves aren’t either, y’know… 😀


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Adaneth wrote:

    They are cute! 😀 (And I like that the horns grow backward–baby can have a drink of milk without goring mommy! 😳 )

    Heehee. I always figure that on true unicorns, the baby’s horn only starts growing out once it’s weaned. They’re hardly born with horns. Calves aren’t either, y’know… 😀

    That’s what I thought too! But some artists insist on them having long horns at a very young age. It makes me cringe for the mother! 😆


    You’re so right. 😀


      Okay GB, what’s the latest?

      twindragonsmum 😀



      Why, thanks for asking, TDM. 🙂 The latest is little more than a doodle. I haven’t scanned and posted it to DA yet, as I only finished it last night. I’m still trying to find my niche in art and settle on a style, and last night’s project was an illuminated text. Maybe I can post it up tonight so you see what I mean.


        I absolutely think that illuminated texts are some of the best artwork there is. I had the opportunity to view lots when I was in London, UK for Uni. Also had a trip to Paris and the ones at the Louvre were fabulous! I’d love to see your versions!

        twindragonsmum 😀



        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        Did you start the equine yet???? hint….hint… 😀

        Started and finished!
        They ended up a little different…

        You have to go herefor a larger picture. It’s a photograph of the watercolor, so the picture in real life is actually brighter. As usual.

        I love this painting! The colors go so well together, and the mood is very touching!


        Thanks, eaglefeather. *needs a hug emoticon*

        Here’s the illuminated text. I photographed it to try to preserve the color, so the paper looks a little grayish. It was very fun to design and color, though, so I’ll be doing many more of these. I’ve got my next phrase-to-be-illuminated set already.


        Very nice! 🙂 I really like the shading on the leaves!


          Just beautiful GB! If, perhaps, someone should want to commission an illuminated text from you (me, maybe :yes: ) what would your fee be? (arrrrrrrgh! an inadvertent rhyme 🙄 )

          twindragonsmum 😀



            It’s beautiful GB! you’re so talented! 🙂


              Really nice GB!!


                Cool 😀


                Thank you all. You’re very kind. 🙂

                twindragonsmum wrote:

                Just beautiful GB! If, perhaps, someone should want to commission an illuminated text from you (me, maybe :yes: ) what would your fee be? (arrrrrrrgh! an inadvertent rhyme 🙄 )

                twindragonsmum 😀

                Now here’s a nice surprise! To be honest, I wouldn’t have a clue. I guess it would depend on how elaborate you wanted the piece to be. If you’d like to PM me the words and theme you want illuminated, I’ll be happy to give some thought.

                Last night I sketched out my next practice piece, which will be considerably more detailed than the first one. I’ll try to finished it this weekend and post it up so you can see a more complex piece.

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