GB's artwork – Illumination No. 1

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      I love it, GB!!! That’s a great dragon!!! Beautiful color choices too!!!


        Yay! More GB dragons! Keep ’em coming!

        twindragonsmum 😀



        Starbreeze said I need to do another piece with this horned equine in it.

        So that’ll be my next watercolor.


          I really like the sleeping dragon… 😉 he looks great… 🙂



            Has your equine got a ‘breed’ name, GB? And, you know, all you need to do with your latest dragon pic is add another small dragon and then you could call it “Let sleeping twindragonsmums lie” 😀 (bad, I know – I’ve got cabin fever and am climbing the walls… 😈 )

            twindragonsmum 😀



            I know exactly how you feel, TDM, except that I’ve got four-wheel fever. :shout:
            Actually, now that you mention it, I don’t have a breed name for the equine thing. It was just a doodle I did while listening to a lecture or somesuch. Maybe it’ll develop its own personality in the watercolor and get itself a name.
            As for adding a second small dragon to the other picture, well, then it would be a scene illustration from my story anymore. But it would certainly make a lively piece of artwork! 😆 (My breed of Common or Kitchen Dragons are bundles of energy and constantly getting into trouble.)


              Did you start the equine yet???? hint….hint… 😀


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                As for adding a second small dragon to the other picture, well, then it would be a scene illustration from my story anymore. But it would certainly make a lively piece of artwork! 😆 (My breed of Common or Kitchen Dragons are bundles of energy and constantly getting into trouble.)

                Sounds just like meboyohs… 😮 XD XD

                twindragonsmum 😀



                twindragonsmum wrote:

                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                As for adding a second small dragon to the other picture, well, then it would be a scene illustration from my story anymore. But it would certainly make a lively piece of artwork! 😆 (My breed of Common or Kitchen Dragons are bundles of energy and constantly getting into trouble.)

                Sounds just like meboyohs… 😮 XD XD

                twindragonsmum 😀

                Rather. XD


                starbreeze wrote:

                Did you start the equine yet???? hint….hint… 😀

                Started and finished!
                They ended up a little different…

                You have to go herefor a larger picture. It’s a photograph of the watercolor, so the picture in real life is actually brighter. As usual.


                  Oooo! Very nice! Me likey! 😀

                  twindragonsmum 😀



                  You’re too kind, TDM. Thank you. :hi:


                    I like it too!! 😉


                      It came out great!!! I’m not sure why you called it “orange foxes” though. 😕


                      They are cute! 😀 (And I like that the horns grow backward–baby can have a drink of milk without goring mommy! 😳 )

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