GB's artwork – Illumination No. 1

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    I know I started a thread a while back with illustrations, but despite the search function and looking through pages and pages of the art subforum, I can no longer find it.
    I’ll post up my pen and ink illustrations here for your pleasure. The work generally isn’t for sale, though if something particularly strikes your fancy, feel free to shoot me a PM.
    I post up my presentable stuff on my DA account; here I’ll only post the stuff I think is my best.
    Constructive criticism is very welcome.

    For starters:

    “Hippocampus,” size A3, 4-5 hours

    “Pater Noster,” size C5, ca. 8 hours


      OoooooooOoOOO your hipocamp is realy cooool!!!


        Gorgious! Must have taken you a long time. 😮


          I like the hippocampus!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            I really like the Griffin with the child, I Love the detail…. 🙂



              I love the griffy too!!


                Those are both excellent GB! 🙂
                I especially like the griffin with the child.


                  They are both great, but I love the griffy.

                  Tally Mark

                    They look like they could be illustrations from inside a book. I really like your inkwork!




                      Thank you all very much.:)

                      Tally Mark wrote:

                      They look like they could be illustrations from inside a book.

                      They are, actually. The Hippocampus is a breed design for a creature I use in a book I’m writing. The griffin and child are an illustration – one of several – for a short story I planned to write for this Christmas. The problem is, after writing it twice in two days, I’ve discovered I’m not much good at tug-at-your-heartstrings, Christmas-feel writing. So the story may or may not happen, but the cutest illustration from it did turn out.


                      The result of eight hours of work today:

                      Excuse the fading – it’s the DA watermark that I have on my fullsize images.


                      Cool idea! And I see he’s a polydactyl on the hind paws: what a great little detail to include. 🙂 Wonderful pose, too: you can just imagine that he’s on the attack like a regular feisty little bird, but with the mass and extra claws to back it up. 😉


                      Thanks, Barrdwing. The polydactyl feature is a result of using reference on every inch of the chickadee – and forgetting to check the felin part. Oh well. It turned out, as you said.

                      My latest, a muscaliet (body of a hare, legs and tail of a squirrel, ears of a weasel, snout of a mole, hair of a pig and teeth of a boar).

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