
GB Hoppy Tadpoad Show Off Thread! 6/30/15

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags GB Hoppy Tadpoad Show Off Thread! 6/30/15

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  • #931652

    Beautiful tadpoads ladies! Absolutely lovely! 🙂

    Here are my 3 special hoppies I just received in a blind trade (thank you Ms. Diane!! I truly appreciate it!!); aren’t they absolutely beautiful?! Two are definitely siblings, but different enough that they are each unique and special. And look at Miss Bluebeak! Her colors are so lovely! I may consider trading Ms. Bluebeak for another hoppy tadpoad that speaks to me a little more, but I certainly won’t be disappointed if she decides to stay in my clutter. 🙂 I sincerely love these little ones! If anyone is interested in future trades please give me a holler! (I also collect crystal/mineral specimens and beautiful OOAK fluffy critter art dolls that I’d be happy to trade towards hoppies too!) 🙂

    The left one with his sharp little yellow beak is awesome! That’s a good look – like a little bird of prey!

    Forever seeking: plum, chili pepper, and tattoo oriental dragons and kirins.


    Gorgeous blue speckled poad!

    Thank you! He has extra little painted ring detailing around his spots to accent them the photos don’t show too clearly, and metallic lavender claws like his beak. His painter did a really exceptional job – course all the hoppy tads I think are just outstanding, best tadpoad GB yet!

    Thanks Melody n crew for such great GB cuties – I was so excited and thrilled to get two black eyed ones and both patterns I love – I’m a picky kitty ha.! :bigsmile:

    The dark blue one I call “Stitch” and the light blue one is “Robin”.

    Forever seeking: plum, chili pepper, and tattoo oriental dragons and kirins.


    Mine arrived today. I have no way to post pics so if someone wouldn’t mind posting for me I can send the pictures. I got two poads that are almost the same. One is orange and black with orange eyes and the other is orange and black with navy eyes (i think). I kinda like the Orange eyed one but may end up trading both. I’m looking for a teal with black eyes to match my gb hoppy poad. 🙂


      Mail showed up about 5 hours later than usual, but I’m happy that my 2 hoppies arrived. I like them both and wouldn’t mind keeping them for my collection, but am willing to look at offers if either is your favorite.

      One is teal blue with black eyes and the other orange, red & black with red eyes.

      Thanks, Werepanther! He actually looks like he’s a baby for one of my young poads.

      Your red one is very cute! He looks like he should be perched on top of a sundae like a cherry!


        Mine arrived today. I have no way to post pics so if someone wouldn’t mind posting for me I can send the pictures. I got two poads that are almost the same. One is orange and black with orange eyes and the other is orange and black with navy eyes (i think). I kinda like the Orange eyed one but may end up trading both. I’m looking for a teal with black eyes to match my gb hoppy poad. 🙂

        If you can send them to me via email, I’d be happy to post them for you. I’ll PM email addy


          Mine got here yesterday, here is some pictures with my great Fuzzy. I would be open to trade.
           photo 100_0835_zpsequw4q3u.jpg photo 100_0836_zpsy8gaz4vu.jpg photo 100_0837_zpsx2gjvwie.jpg photo 100_0838_zpsrnopgva9.jpg


            Here is a pic of mine–I got 2 but they are almost identical! Didn’t want 2 of the same color so this one is up for a straight trade. If anyone is interested in this little one, please PM me. Be patient because I’m usually on here only in the mornings, but I’ll get back to you.

             photo TadpoadGB2015-4-A_zps0ultybrn.jpg

             photo TadpoadGB-2015-1-A_zpsuajfcyq6.jpg

             photo TadpoadGB-2015-3-A_zpsmca6gqnz.jpg
             photo TadpoadGB2015-2-A_zpspw6tq5u8.jpg


              Here’s mine, newly arrived. Black with yellow and teal and green eyes, I’m looking for blue, pink, purple ones so this one is up for trade if you are interested.

               photo image.jpg3_zpsxwtogxzv.jpg

               photo image.jpg1_zpsstkgj7ks.jpg

               photo image.jpg4_zps07nwddwc.jpg


                Here are LuvsDragons two Tadpoads:

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                Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                ANY Red Eyed Unis
                ANY Test Paint Bat
                The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                Male- Snow Leopard TP
                White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                Mother: Okapi
                Gothic - Mahogany
                PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                  Hooray! Mine arrived today!


                    Here are LuvsDragons two Tadpoads:

                    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                    Another set of twins, congrats lol!


                      Hooray! Mine arrived today!

                      So cute! I especially love the black-eyed green one!

                      Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                      ANY Red Eyed Unis
                      ANY Test Paint Bat
                      The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                      Male- Snow Leopard TP
                      White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                      Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                      Mother: Okapi
                      Gothic - Mahogany
                      PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                      DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                        Hooray! Mine arrived today!

                        So pretty!! Love the green one on the right ♥

                        ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

                        • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
                        ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
                        ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
                        ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

                        • ► By Melody ◄ •
                        ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
                        ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
                        ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


                        I got these guys yesterday but didn’t have a chance to post pics until today. I love them!! They are so cute and in my favorite colors!


                        Here are LuvsDragons two Tadpoads:

                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                        Gorgeous! I love the one on the right! Little pumpkin butt…

                        Forever seeking: plum, chili pepper, and tattoo oriental dragons and kirins.

                      Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 192 total)
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