Garden Dragon

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      laphon1 wrote:

      My Rock Dragons are outside, too. On my back deck.

      🙂 And such a beauty too…. 🙁 still hoping to get one like yours one day. :scratch:


      Oh pleeeeease make the garden dragon out of cement, Melody! My two Rock Dragons are on the window sill of a window that’s open almost year around.


        In case someone doesn’t know what everyone is talking about, here’s the garden dragon. I like the idea of her outside myself. There’s so many indoor pieces, but really only 2 out door pieces.


          I love the idea of rock and garden dragons in cement. I confess they’d be inside beasties, but since they’re large, the ability to put them on the floor and not worry about doing major damage if I accidentally bump them, sounds delightful.


            Garden dragon *want, want, want, want, want* pyo or outside sculpt – either way is fine for me! 8)




              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              laphon1 wrote:

              My Rock Dragons are outside, too. On my back deck.

              🙂 And such a beauty too…. 🙁 still hoping to get one like yours one day. :scratch:

              Thanks BDW!

              Here they are again. They have been outside for almost two years now.


                syn789 wrote:

                I have both garden dragons, and I have them outside. I enjoy looking at them through my kitchen window. They have been through a couple of Michigan winters now and are doing fine.

                Got any pictures?

                Our winters are not as bad as yours but mine got buried, too. But not for nearly as long!


                  I like the pic of the one peeking out from under his snow ‘blanky’ 😀 I really want a few of these for my 2 acre garden… 8)


                  *edited ’cause I can’t spell…*



                  I would love that white garden dragon indoors–right on my floor, near the end of my display case of Windstones! I don’t know that I would want it made of cement! That is beautiful! 😀


                    i would like that garden dragon indoors. She would be real cool to do as a PYO. lol but shes real pretty 😀

                    Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
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                    I like both ideas, indoor and outdoor. She’ll be awesome either way.


                    I honestly wouldn’t want her done in cement.
                    Way too much money to have Windstones ship her to me. She would be an inside dragon for fear of theft. I wouldn’t want a cement dragon on the floor around me, I have enough trouble hitting my toes on my shell door stop. x_x;;

                    I reallllly want her to be painted up to be the Old Warrior’s match. 😳



                      I would prefer something new for the outdoors. The rock dragons are nice, but not really my style. Yours do look wonderful, laphon. 🙂 I like the “peeking out” pic, too.


                      Like Nakase, I would worry about theft too, so even if it was done in cement I’d keep it indoors. It would look good in the entryway of a house to me.


                        Melody wrote:

                        copper83 wrote:

                        Hi Melody,

                        Have you had a chance to do anything with the garden dragon sculpt? Is she still going to be a production piece? This is one that I’m really looking forward to.No , I haven’t done anything! I haven’t even found the sculpture yet! I am thinking about his dragon, but I am leaning towards doing her in gypsum rather than cement, and painting her. But she is big!
                        She can be the Empress we have all been waiting so patiently for!!!
                        You would have to get MORE OLD GREEN paint though!!

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