Future wyverns?

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    Hi Melody,

    Do you have plans to design a wyvern for your dragons?
    That would be simply awesome!




      Dragons4Life wrote:

      Hi Melody,

      Do you have plans to design a wyvern for your dragons?
      That would be simply awesome!

      πŸ˜€ I have thought about it! No immediate plans. It would be nice to sculpt a dragon with more realistic wing anatomy!


        Ohh how interesting. Could you draw us a quick pic if you have time what your idea of one would look like?


          NicoleH wrote:

          Ohh how interesting. Could you draw us a quick pic if you have time what your idea of one would look like?

          I need to learn more about them. Are they different in nature than dragons? Or are they just two legged dragons?


            Like dragons, they have many different incarnations. Some have two legs, some have no legs, some have very long claws at the wingtips, and frequently were said to have a (poisonous) barb/stinger at the tail tip.
            In parts of Europe, they are called ‘dragonets’ because they are small in size.

            Here’s a fun link… http://www.dragonsinn.net/fict-wyvern.htm

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


            Melody wrote:

            NicoleH wrote:

            Ohh how interesting. Could you draw us a quick pic if you have time what your idea of one would look like?

            I need to learn more about them. Are they different in nature than dragons? Or are they just two legged dragons?

            Well I don’t know how anatomically correct this is, but here’s a cute picture of one.



              And then you have WoW wyverns which are just flying cats with scorpion tails… oh lawls.

              When I think wyvern, I normally think of the two legged wyrm kind… although honestly I think they’d look better with tiny t-rex arms…


                Come to think of it…Amy Brown usually only does two legged dragons, I just didnt know they were called something different. I’m so curious to see Melody’s version, especially what one in a sculpture would look like. Would they have to walk around like a bat does?


                  If one wanted to stay anatomically ‘correct’, the bat-like form would be they way to go. I really like that idea…


                    I’ve even seen depictions of wyverns that are two-legged dragonlike, but with vulture’s wings.

                    Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰


                      😳 Got to admit, though I’ve always had a thing for 6 limbed dragons, I’ve never liked wyverns in the slightest. 4 limbs may be more anatomically correct, but they just look wrong to me. Proves there’s something different for everyone!


                        pipsxlch wrote:

                        😳 Got to admit, though I’ve always had a thing for 6 limbed dragons, I’ve never liked wyverns in the slightest. 4 limbs may be more anatomically correct, but they just look wrong to me. Proves there’s something different for everyone!

                        Heheh and here I think 6 legged dragons look wrong… never liked them πŸ™‚ Also never liked wyrms/two legged dragons. So you’re right, “something different for everyone”.


                          The two-legged thing sounds kinda weird to me too, but if they walked around like bats like Nicole suggested, I could go for that. πŸ˜€ Bats are cute~


                            Darn…. I wish I knew where I put all that folklore/mythology research I did… What I can remember… >.<

                            amphitere – legless, winged serpent; Scandavania, Egypt/arabia (also S Am’s Quetzalcoatl fits here, although has feathered wings)

                            dragon – four limbs, pair of wings

                            lindworm – serpent with one pair of legs, no wings; sighted by Marco Polo in his travels, central Asia

                            wyvern – one pair of legs, pair of wings, barbed tail; Europe/Greece; thought to bring pestilence (pleasant, huh?)

                            guivre – legless, wingless serpent with dragon-like head, horned and bearded; favored aquatic enviornments

                            There is also the “English knucker” which is supposed to inhabit swamps and marshes… but I have very little info.

                            The dragons around the Mediterranean/Persia/Russia were commonly referred to having many heads.

                            It really can get confusing… lindworms are not the same as lindwurms. The words dragon, serpent, worm, etc are generic and are always used interchangeably throughout history to describe our favorite “reptilian” creatures of lore. The old German word for dragon/serpent/worm/wyrm is lindwurm, it translates to “snake-worm” (someone correct me if I have that translation wrong). The “dragons” from Germany/Scandinavia region were historically described as legless “serpents” with a pair of wings. The technical term for this type of “dragon” is amphitere. The people from this region called their dragons (which happened to be amphiteres) lindwurms in their native language. It’s just their old word for dragon. Isn’t semantics fun! πŸ˜†

                            No…I’m not a dragon freak… nope, not one bit. 😈

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