Frying Bacon While Naked

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    littleironhorse wrote:

    Whistful wrote:

    DO NOT EVER fry bacon at night while naked 😯

    So it’s okay to fry it naked during the day?

    Ouch! If you need to fry bacon while naked (night or day), try this:

    Oven-Fried Bacon
    Use a large, rimmed baking sheet, such as a jelly-roll pan, that is shallow enough to promote browning, yet tall enough (at least 3/4-inch in height) to contain the rendered bacon fat. To save time, you can add the bacon to the oven before it reaches 400 degrees, but exact cooking time will vary from oven to oven. If cooking more than one tray of bacon, exchange their oven positions once about halfway through the cooking process.

    Serves 4 to 6
    12 slices bacon , thin- or thick-cut

    Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 400 degrees. Arrange bacon slices in a large jelly-roll pan or other shallow baking pan. Roast until fat begins to render, 5 to 6 minutes; rotate pan front-to-back. Continue roasting until is crisp and brown, 5 to 6 minutes longer for thin-sliced bacon, 8 to 10 minutes for thick-cut. Transfer with tongs to paper towel-lined plate, drain, and serve.



      Hey Mimi, nice of you to help all those naked cooks!!! 😆 😆 😆


      I try…I try… 😆


      Now the real question is…how do you clean the stove while naked?


      Eek! Not recommended!


        Clean? Nah… No thanks.


          hmmm…..don’t think I’d want to take hot things out of the oven either 😈


          starbreeze wrote:

          hmmm…..don’t think I’d want to take hot things out of the oven either 😈

          Oh no…you should never do that naked…just get your “house boy” Fabio to do it for you! 😆


            Guess I’d better find him then….Fabio….where are you Fabio!!!! 😆


              I hope you’re not talking about the blond cover of the book Fabio….he’s fugly…


                Well, I wanted to hire Orlando Bloom, but he was busy 😉


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Well, I wanted to hire Orlando Bloom, but he was busy 😉

                  At my house…


                    btw according to b/f if you fold bacon in half it’s great in the forman grill


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Clean? Nah… No thanks.

                      Ski, I know you were a PFC (Professional Floor Cleaner) at one time 😉

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