Frustrated cross stitcher

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      Yup, I hear ya! DMC is the ONLY brand I use except for specialty stuff. I never, ever use Anchor; it’s horrid! I’ve got several things to get finished up but am having trouble finding the patterns. When we moved, the patterns got packed up seperately from the started project and the stretcher frames seperate from everything else… 🙄 I know everything is here somewhere. It’s just trying to figure out which box…..




        I’ve had to take the stitches out before. I think there’s a reason they call it “cross” stitch and it isn’t because of the X’s you sew. 😆


          My ex mother in law cross stitches and she uses DMC thread as well! She is doing a Pegasus for me… and when I ordered it I wasn’t aware that it is ALL CROSS STITCH… 😯 I thought she was going to kill me… That was 4 years ago… It isn’t finished yet… I say another 4 years?!?! 😛

          This is the pattern here…


            You don’t suppose that Melody could hook up with one of the pattern companies and do cross stitch graphs/kits for us? I know lots of my friends are looking for good patterns for dragons, etc for their kids. Alot of the patterns for dragons are kinda scary; not what folks are looking for….




            Nothing says it has to look exactly like the model. You could add more butterlfies to balance the circle. Or you could off-center the circle when you frame it. Depending on how tight your stitches are, pulling out threads might leave noticeable holes.

            Just a different viewpoint. 🙂


              Tintaglia wrote:

              Nothing says it has to look exactly like the model. You could add more butterlfies to balance the circle. Or you could off-center the circle when you frame it. Depending on how tight your stitches are, pulling out threads might leave noticeable holes.

              Just a different viewpoint. 🙂
              Thank you for the different viewpoint. It’s always good to have those. I had thought about framing it off center at first, but when it comes to things like this I am a bit of a perfectionist. In regards to thread removal leaving noticable holes I always handwash my finished projects with a gentle clenser (like Wool-lite) and it always seems to draw the holes back to their original state.


              If you are having trouble with your floss strands twirling, tangling or knotting up on you, either reduce the length of the overall strand/s….Or, you can wet it( I usually use good old fashioned saliva, grose I know, but a little birdy told me it’s wht most stitchers do….p.s. DON’T do this if you take a medication that changes the color of fluids) You can also try a product called Thread Heaven. It feels waxy, but isn’t, and will remove the static charge within the fibers. I have tried it, and still prefer to dampem the floss.

              I also only use DMC floss. I actually stopped using kits because I was having so much trouble with the floss. Either not enough, crummy quality, or sorting colors was darn near impossible.

              I use yellow high liter to mark my charts too! It makes it so much easier and I make far fewer mistakes!

              I did this one a while ago. 28ct. evenweave, 1×1 flesh areas. I’m about to start Angel of the Sea by L&L for my SIL who is knewly expecting…


                Oh that’s pretty asinnamon. I haven’t done anything on evenweave yet. I do have a Teresa Wentzler dragon kit (The Guardian) that came with some though. I’ve been pretty lucky with the thread I have gotten in kits so far. I almost always have enough thread (I think I ran out of a color once, but I had extra of that color from another kit’s leftoves). I usually don’t have too much problems with it twisting or tangling. I lift my piece up from time to time to let the thread dangle and untwist. My biggest problems seems to be occasional knots that I can’t get loose or if I try it breaks the thread.


                I would’ve pulled the stitches too, I think my hubby shot some video of me getting all annoyed because I miscounted and had to pull stitches out. I do so many crossstitch projects it’s ridiculous. I’ve been doing baby announcements for the past 2 years, and let me tell you, those kits get worse and worse. Anchor floss is a total nightmare, and the Janlynn kits seem to be short on thread all the time. Usually I will buy the kit, and make up my own kits with better floss. I do the highlighter thing too, I love that it doesn’t show up when copied. I have oodles of patterns. Have you ever tried the stretcher bars instead of the hoop? I love mine, best thing I ever bought for x stitch. Every one knows me at the firehouse for always having needlework and embroidery scissors. I’ve been referred to by the probies as “Zack’s wife, you know the one who does the needlework?” or “ask Michele, she always has scissors” which is cute, but helps the probies remember my name! I have a couple Wentzler patterns, I have the himalayan cat kit by her, that I need bigger stretchers for, and If I can ever stop doing baby announcements, I’d finally be able to do a project for me!


                  I need to get back to pulling the stitches on this. I got busy painting PYOs for a while and have let it sit since then. 😆

                  I’ve never actually had a problem with any of the kits I’ve bought (Janlynn included) being short on thread. I guess I’ve gotten lucky on that. I have oodles of patterns waiting to be finished too. I made a promise to myself when I bought this one that I wouldn’t buy any more kits or patterns until I’ve finished the ones I have now. 😆 I need to see about finding a baby announcement for my son (he’ll be 4 this year) and youngest niece (she’ll be 2). 😆 I also have a Christmas tree skirt that I was intending to be my parents 25 wedding anniversay present (back in 1995) to finish. 😆 I’m not a procratinator, no, not in the least. 😆

                  I actually don’t use a hoop or stretcher bars when I cross-stitch. I hated how the hoop would distort the fabric some and leave grunge rings no matter how often I would wash my hands. I have something similar to stretcher bars, but it was so bulky and hard for me to woek with that I packed it away.

                  What I do instead is I roll the left side of the fabric up to work on the right side and work my way left unrolling as I go. I get very little grunge that way and no creases to worry about either.


                  I’ve made that promise too, lol 😆 and then I’m like “ooohhh I like that one, ca-ching” I’m so bad. I have probably every concievable baby pattern, and a couple books too. are you looking for anything specific?


                    I’m not really sure. I thought I picked up a pattern for my youngest niece, but I’d have to pull the bag out again to be sure. For my son I was wanting something a littel different and I think I had decided to just do one of Theresa Wentzler’s dragons for him. The kit I picked up was “The Guardian”. I’m a little nervous to start that one because it came with evenweave and I’ve never worked with that before.

                    I did this kit for her older sister:

                    And this is the one I was thinking of doing for her:

                    And here’s the Tree Skirt I have to finish one day:

                    My parents have a matching framed piece for the angel in red and somewhere I have patterns for ornaments that match as well. I just have to get more thread and fabric as I gave the first set away to friends for Christmas presents.


                    Wow, that tree skirt is beautiful! I’ve done the first pattern once, a long time ago, but I don’t know where my copy is, I love the second one!


                      The second one was one of Janylnn’s short lived “Just a Chart” series. It’s called Buttons and Bow. The finished size is 10″ x 13″. I originally picked it up thinking of changing the bow color to blue for my son (now that I see it and remember).

                      I never realized just how huge tree skirts really were until I got that one. It’s from Dimensions “The Gold Collection”. The fabric is at least 4′ both directions. I really need to make copies of that chart because it’s beginning to tear along the creases and in the middle of the pattern. 😯 Don’t want to loose the marks for stitches I still need to do.

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