If I could afford it, Id probably get one or both of the Windstone froggies for my mom. Im not a frog person (ever since a tree frog got caught in my hair, it wigged me out; bats in my hair I could handle but for some reason, when I moved to FL and saw the nocturnal white albino tree frogs that suction themselves to your door by your lights, it freaked me out. Then one lept onto my face and into my hair). AHHH! Yea, I wigged.
But mom loves froggies (and come to think of it, as a kid growing up in NY, I use to play with frogs and toads as a kid and they never bothered me; I was just traumatized by this crafty tree frog in FL) 😆 If I could afford one or either, Id get them for mom.
Sorry they cant be yours but Im sure someone will take them from you and love them! Good luck!