From Snap:
In addition to the problems of Yahoo email, know that everyone’s
notifications were delayed this weekend due to software upgrades that were
being done on the actual email and web daemons. It appears that one mail
daemon did not properly restart and therefore all email queued on the server
with nowhere to go as that daemon handles the “oh I’m going to put you in
this box”. So, you probably woke up on Sunday morning and had twenty
notifications in your email.
While on the topic of notifications..
…if you don’t receive notifications for PM’s and you normally do, remember
that your PM box has a finite limit of 100 messages. If someone sends you a
PM and your box is full, it’s not going anywhere until you delete some
messages from your Inbox. If PM’s in your Inbox are no longer of value,
please delete them.
…if you don’t receive notifications for topic replies, there is a link on
the main page that allows you to view your list of currently watched topics.
Check if the topic is on the list, and while you’re there, remove stale
topics that are no longer of interest.
Every little bit you do in this department helps when it comes time to prune
the forum. Being a younger forum, the database size and overhead is not an
issue – yet – but the good habits you create now will help when the forum is
five years old, has 5 million records in the database, and needs a manual
reconciliation. As an example we take forums at offline for two
days every February for this very reason.
It’s not a perfect system, please keep that in mind if you don’t receive a
notification. Think of it like your cell phone — if you got 0% dropped call
rate, you’d be paying a lot more than $20 a month for it.
Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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