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      Spoil sport.

      And a baby spectral would be ADORABLE!


        skigod377 wrote:

        Spoil sport.

        And a baby spectral would be ADORABLE!

        that’s me….and yeah baby spectral would be cool


          I have never really liked the Spectral becuase the eyes sort of freak me out. I did not really like the fledgling at first and I was not going to add them to my collection until I got my White and Emerald ones off e-bay right after they first got retired. It was love at first sight as soon as I saw him in person. I have always LOVED the young dragon becasue of the detial as mentioned before. My favorite has always been the Emperor but after being a the factory today I would have to say the Secret Keeper is giving the Emperor a run for his money!!
          The SK is unbelievable in person.


            Thats funny you say the spectrals eyes frek you out when its the regular eyes that follow you everywhere. That can get a little creepy, when you think about it today. Go ahead…Walk by them and look. They are all watching yoooouuuu~


              skigod377 wrote:

              Thats funny you say the spectrals eyes frek you out when its the regular eyes that follow you everywhere. That can get a little creepy, when you think about it today. Go ahead…Walk by them and look. They are all watching yoooouuuu~

              I have known that for years but for me that feels like security because I always feel like they are watching over me, like guardian angles. I guess freaks me out is not correct. They just do nto look right or real to me. It remindes me of something you would see on the really old Star Trek TV show back when the Hollywood special effect had just started.


              I didnt like the spectrals at first either, and wasnt going to add them, but after my sitting one came in I knew I loved them, so Ibought the riser.

              And I third or fourth that a baby would be perfect.


              WolfenMachine wrote:

              Well Cheryl, if Frozen and Ski can’t help you, I can! And I can deliver it to you in person! 😀 Especially after Aug 07, we’ll be in the same city!

              VERY COOL!!! As for the fledglings I think Ski has got my back on that one. Thanks for the offer and once you get here feel free to look me up. So I take it you got into UT??


                CherylKaufman wrote:

                See, that was just a low blow!

                Only if he was blocking low? :mrgreen:

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