Flap Cats

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  • #538966

    The little ones really go for $60?! 😯 That’s like $20 an inch!

    And I was surprised to pay twenty-something plus shipping for the one I picked up on eBay… maybe I got him before the rush? πŸ˜† Plus he wasn’t exactly mint with a couple of chips and three inches of dust, but I still luv him. He cleaned up nice, anyway.

    If you’re interested, someone just posted one of the big black cats on eBay. It came up under the general Windstone search. I think starting bid was low, but who knows how quickly that will go up…


    Megani-chan wrote:

    The little ones really go for $60?! 😯 That’s like $20 an inch!

    And I was surprised to pay twenty-something plus shipping for the one I picked up on eBay… maybe I got him before the rush? πŸ˜† Plus he wasn’t exactly mint with a couple of chips and three inches of dust, but I still luv him. He cleaned up nice, anyway.

    If you’re interested, someone just posted one of the big black cats on eBay. It came up under the general Windstone search. I think starting bid was low, but who knows how quickly that will go up…
    You’re lucky. I got mine 3 years ago. I paid $45US. It was only supposed to have one chip and it ended up having many many more. Along with three inches of dust. Cleaned up beautifully though.


    That’s good. These little guys seem pretty tough 8) Once I dusted my guy off and touched up the paint chips, no one could tell where he was damaged if I didn’t point it out.

    Certain people were trying to talk me out of bidding on him since he wasn’t mint, but now I’m very thankful I bought him anyway! I think we bonded while I was tidying him up… πŸ˜†


    Ahh my shopping trip to London just killed me. They always pop up when i have got any money.

    Ah well i can wait πŸ˜€

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