Flame Point Male Griffin

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    Can we have that one on a mug, or something? Since most of us won’t have anywhere near enough money to compete for him? I’m just in awe of the griffen.


      Oh, it’s the one you were working on a couple months back. He’s finished! Looks stunning. I’ll never be able to afford anything from you… wonder how high he’ll go.


        Trust me, it’s hard to pat these on the head and send them off, never to see them again… 🙂

        I lust over the things I could never afford too… which is pretty much everything!

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          I saw this in your site’s gallery a few days ago. I LOVE him! Oh, I wish I could win the lottery… it wouldn’t even need to be the jackpot… one of the middle prizes would do… (see, I’m not that greedy). Maybe I’ll have a chance at the sitting chick… 😐


            You do such GREAT work I wish I had just a little bit of your talent


            Dragon Master wrote:

            You do such GREAT work I wish I had just a little bit of your talent

            Me too! Beautiful work as always. 🙂


              Very nice—and I love the idea of a mug or something for the masses! 😉 😉

              Incredible detail–he’s stunning!


                He’s your best griffin yet!!! 😀


                  Beautiful as always! I love the warm colors on him! I think that he may be my favority of the male griffins that you have done.



                    I’m glad I bought a lottery ticket tonight. Maybe I’ll win and be able to afford him when he goes up on eBay! 😀

                    Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                      …..so……any idea when it’s going up on ebay….? 😈 😈 😈

                      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                      -J R R Tolkien


                      He’s very pretty, as with everything you do Nam. Personally, though, I’m hoping to see a griffin with a bit more color, though.


                      Aw, I think this is one of my favorites. I think I am gonna hold off until you paint another dragon tho.


                      I’d like to see Nam paint an OW. 😯


                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      I’d like to see Nam paint an OW. 😯

                      That would be awesome. I would definately have to find some money to get that. It would be definately cool if it was a prototype.

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