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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      My big comet occasionally jumps up and hits the lid of his tank. I think he’d jump out if he could.
      His only crime so far has been in devouring a full dozen neons…

      Oops! Haha… neons don’t do well with any sized goldfish I’m afraid. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com


      Nambroth wrote:

      All eels and long bodied fish (ropefish, bichirs, etc) are exceptional escape artists, so fishkeeper beware!

      Too true! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ


        I used to have two giant Jack Dempsies and a bunch of african cichlids. One of my cats has a fish addiction though and would fish them out with her paw and eat them. We eventually gave up and got rid of the tank.


        I had as a kid two fire-belly newts, both dissapeared one day. We found them a year later under the couch…perfectly dried in a walking position. Poor little guys….


          whippetluv wrote:

          I had as a kid two fire-belly newts, both dissapeared one day. We found them a year later under the couch…perfectly dried in a walking position. Poor little guys….

          Sounds like my little bro and his pet frog… except the frog went in his dress shoe in the back of the closet. It’s really too bad when the amphibians get loose and you can’t find them. ๐Ÿ™


          Congrats on the new fish. I have only had a lizard get out once and I found it a couple of hours still alive…oh and of course the crickets as well.


          dragonessjade wrote:

          Congrats on the new fish. I have only had a lizard get out once and I found it a couple of hours still alive…oh and of course the crickets as well.

          God I lost a lizard once too…and never did find him. I was so upset. He was my nearly 4 foot long male iguana! He was loose in my room..no cage big enough, and when I went downstairs he was on top of my bookshelf on his heatrock, the window was open, but the screen was down. When I came back the screen had a whole in it…and no lizard. He must have jumped out to the fig tree that was almost touching the window anyway…but we never found him. I like to think he crawled down to the creek and swam a ways down and a nice 10 year old boy found him and owns him to this day… Here is hoping. I mean really, how does a person lose a four foot long lizard!!!????!!!


          whippetluv wrote:

          dragonessjade wrote:

          Congrats on the new fish. I have only had a lizard get out once and I found it a couple of hours still alive…oh and of course the crickets as well.

          God I lost a lizard once too…and never did find him. I was so upset. He was my nearly 4 foot long male iguana! He was loose in my room..no cage big enough, and when I went downstairs he was on top of my bookshelf on his heatrock, the window was open, but the screen was down. When I came back the screen had a whole in it…and no lizard. He must have jumped out to the fig tree that was almost touching the window anyway…but we never found him. I like to think he crawled down to the creek and swam a ways down and a nice 10 year old boy found him and owns him to this day… Here is hoping. I mean really, how does a person lose a four foot long lizard!!!????!!!

          That would be a tough one to lose. Hopefully he had a nice ending tho.


            I had an iguana that large (raised from a baby) named S.A.M. I miss him!

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


              Megani-chan wrote:

              Sounds like my little bro and his pet frog… except the frog went in his dress shoe in the back of the closet.

              I take it your little bro didn’t wear his dress shoes often? ๐Ÿ˜†


                megani-chan wrote:


                One did breach out and flop itself in front of my dog last summer, though. He played with it a while and brought it in the house to show us. Dang, mom was livid… that was an expensive fish.



                  We lost our 14 inch Placo when he decided to find a small opening in the top of our 70 gal tank by the filter and fliped his way to the other side of the cabinet stand we have under the tank….took us 4 weeks to notice he was missing O.o…


                      Such pretty fish. All I have is a beta named Dan. I got him for christmas. I named him Dan because I got a present from a mysterious Dan that christmas. My parents were tired when they were wrapping the presents.

                      I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                      Engaged to a Weasel

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