Fear of House Centipiedes

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      Not fearful, but they definitely give me the willies! As long as they stay primarily in the basement, I’m willing to live harmoniously with them.


        Is this the animal you guys are talking about?



          OMG! I saw the pic that Pam put up and those things are creepy! We have centipedes in Australia and they are long with lots of short legs and are a dark red colour, but they don’t look nearly as creepy as those things! Centipedes here don’t generally come inside (millipedes do, but I just put them outside. They are quite cute too).

          I get the same feeling from your centipedes as I do from big hairy spiders (we get the big hairy ones inside though. I hate huntsman spiders….)


          Gosh, I don’t mind the centipedes in that photo link nearly as much as I mind the six-inch-long armored rascals with the shorter legs! (Which probably aren’t “house” centipedes; they’re some other type.) They’ve got a body almost as thick as my little finger and look like an armored mecha out of a ’70s anime series. I’d never seen one before we moved to the Central Valley, and one night I was reading on the couch when a big one wriggled out from under the couch. I don’t mind snakes but this dude gave me the creeps. And of course when I startled the poor thing it started moving REALLY fast! I got him scooped into a shopping bag and dumped outside in the pasture, then came back in and shivered and went “Bleaaahh!” for about ten minutes.

          There are definitely critters I will not share my house with–scorpions, giant centipedes, sun spiders–but I confess that I just can’t justify squashing them either. I put them outside and pray they don’t get curious about my house a second time! 😐


          Is this the animal you guys are talking about?


          *shudders* Yep…those are the ones. I must say that we do not have any roaches, or silverfish anywhere in the house.
          We have lots of those pantry beetles. That has to be what our house centipedes are feasting on.
          We cannot buy those rabbit fur mice toys for our cats because the beetles will totally devour the fur, and leather on them in a week. (our cats will knock them under the fridge, or behind the book shelves.) Once we then re-discover them and pull them out from wherever they have been hidden, they all look like naked rats!

          “icky”, “icky”, “ick!”


            Is this the animal you guys are talking about?


            Wow! This guy is beautiful! We didn’t have them in Los Angeles and I have never seen one in Oregon either.


              Oooo, that centipede Pam posted a picture of is kinda cool! Personally, scorpians creep me out far worse. When I was a kid in Texas, we had a house that the scorpians thought made a wonderful winter den. No matter what we did they were everywhere :shocked: They were those little light brown ones that you really don’t want to sting you too. We had to shake out all our clothes and shoes every time we put something on. And you definately didnt walk around barefoot. I get the shudders just thinking about them. But oddly enough, the big black scorpians don’t bother me much. I guess t’s just the little sneaky brown ones >.<


                Gosh, I don’t mind the centipedes in that photo link nearly as much as I mind the six-inch-long armored rascals with the shorter legs! (Which probably aren’t “house” centipedes; they’re some other type.) They’ve got a body almost as thick as my little finger and look like an armored mecha out of a ’70s anime series. I’d never seen one before we moved to the Central Valley, and one night I was reading on the couch when a big one wriggled out from under the couch.


                One of these maybe? They are about finger length and width. I had one as a pet once. I named him bob. When he reached old age he became very cranky and would spray me with a lovely cyanide toxin whenever I tried to handle him. His favorite food was soggy wood and apple chunks.


                  It might be this one Pam XD


                  That was the one in the bath tub with me…..silent scream! And we caught one with those long metal claw things in the kids bathroom…..it was huge!


                    It might be this one Pam XD


                    Those ones I don’t like to find in the house. If they get you it can be very painful indeed.

                    Millipedes (like what Pam linked) can’t bite or sting, but they do give off cyanide like she said, so don’t handle them bare hands if you can help it, and if you must just wash your hands well. They are very beneficial to our soil.

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                    I hate them, if I see one, it’ll be dead fast. They slither they run so fast and they are sneaky. I pray I will never eat one in my sleep (they say u eat 10,000 spiders in ur sleep in a lifetime) ok I’m scaring myself now *shivers*


                    OMG I HAD TO CLICK THE LINK..*drops phone on the floor* yyiiick! Yes those are it…*crawls in corner* id still rather have roaches..yup.


                    It might be this one Pam XD


                    OH YEAH. That’s the guy. Blargh! o.O

                    We also had critters like the one in the photo Pam posted, but we called them millipedes. I kind of liked those: they reminded me of super deluxe stretch-limo pillbugs. 😉 Totally harmless, didn’t bite, just don’t give them a great big kiss! But they had an unfortunate habit of wandering into the chicken barn at night, and getting underfoot. Eew.


                      Is this the animal you guys are talking about?


                      I think I have seen those living under the llama’s water buckets, but they are more reddish. They are big and move fast!

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