Fairy Kirin…. you must take the time to see this one.

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    WOW, Whippet, you are a GENIUS!


    whippetluv wrote:

    Very secret methods…. super glue. 🙂 I used Apoxie Sculpt afterward to keep it permanity in place. 🙂 Here is the website of the stuff I use.
    that is the stuff~ It hardens in about 3 hours…overnight for rock hard. It has to sit before you mess with it to, but for only like 10 minutes. And it takes some getting used too before you should apply it to a windstone, its not like sculpty!

    Actually, I have never used sculpty. I have a bunch of it, but never opened it and tried it out. I guess I should, huh? LOL!

    Anyway, cool…I was thinking of using my handdrill and tiny drill to put holes into the kirin, then use the superglue to reinforce the bond after. Kinda nervous about drilling, but since it is a hand drill, I should be able to do it without doing serious damage.

    I just love what you did with yours, you can’t even tell you added anything, it all goes along so seamlessly. Really great work, but then considering your talent for repair work, I am not surprised.

    I should show you the ice dragon that my brother accidently knocked off a shelf and utterly anniliated. He is very tall, about 20 inches or more and he was on a shelf about 5.5 ft from the floor, so when he hit he shattered into a billion pieces.

    Took me days, but I rebuilt him, filled in the cracks and repainted, if you didn’t pick him up and look inside him, you’d never know from looking he was ever broken.

    Anyway, I’ve also repaired ceramics, by piecing back together and then refiring with glaze to seal it. That one was fun.



    Oh wow! I love the wings, and the idea, and the scales are just gorgeous! I don’t know how you’d want to ship it, though, so you’ll probably have to keep it?


      Whippet, that is fabulous.


        WOW……..that is neat, i really like that, I really want one now!



        homg you clever bastard!! 😀 😀 😀 I LOVE IT!!


          BEAUTIFUL, Whippet. Brilliant! Brilliant you are! I LOVE the idea too. But I’d have to inspect your wing-attachment more closely. Yes, definatly need to. That means *sigh* you’ll just have to send him to me 😉

          I promise to take REAL good care of him 🙂


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Oh wow! I love the wings, and the idea, and the scales are just gorgeous! I don’t know how you’d want to ship it, though, so you’ll probably have to keep it?

          Oh no…actually it will be very easy to ship. That is he best part of my evil plan you know! Those wings are very flexable and can be folded for shipment! ha!!

          Kyrin –
          I would not drill…not even hand drill. Windstones are very very easy to chip and pop, much more so than ceramics or plastic resin. I just cut the wires away and worked from there.


          whippetluv wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Oh wow! I love the wings, and the idea, and the scales are just gorgeous! I don’t know how you’d want to ship it, though, so you’ll probably have to keep it?

          Oh no…actually it will be very easy to ship. That is he best part of my evil plan you know! Those wings are very flexable and can be folded for shipment! ha!!

          You really thought of everything. Is it going on E-Bay?


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          whippetluv wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Oh wow! I love the wings, and the idea, and the scales are just gorgeous! I don’t know how you’d want to ship it, though, so you’ll probably have to keep it?

          Oh no…actually it will be very easy to ship. That is he best part of my evil plan you know! Those wings are very flexable and can be folded for shipment! ha!!

          You really thought of everything. Is it going on E-Bay?

          Now that is the one thing I have not yet decided….maybe, I should before everyone else has winged kirins and my thunder is gone. ha!




            skigod377 wrote:


            I will email you a pic


              whippetluv wrote:

              skigod377 wrote:


              I will email you a pic

              It is wonderful!! I love it!!


              whippetluv wrote:

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Oh wow! I love the wings, and the idea, and the scales are just gorgeous! I don’t know how you’d want to ship it, though, so you’ll probably have to keep it?

              Oh no…actually it will be very easy to ship. That is he best part of my evil plan you know! Those wings are very flexable and can be folded for shipment! ha!!

              Kyrin –
              I would not drill…not even hand drill. Windstones are very very easy to chip and pop, much more so than ceramics or plastic resin. I just cut the wires away and worked from there.

              I dunno, handrills can work with very fine drillbits, if she’s careful she might be okay! I’ve drilled seashells with my handdrill and it worked out better than I thought. I think you just need to do it in light passes, very quickly, so that the gypsum doesn’t have time to chip beyond the hole? Also lets you blow out the powdered gypsum from the hole. I’d say it’s worth a try anyway! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!


                I really like this one Whippet. Wonderful!

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