Ever thought about doing a baby spectral?

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      Pam Thompson wrote:

      Just a comment to all the haters of the current spectral eyes: make sure you see them in person before you pass judgment! Pics don’t really capture the true depth and color of a spectral’s eyes. You HAVE to see them on the ruby version, they look FANTASTIC! I never loved spectral eyes that much either, or the ruby dragons, but the ruby color plus spectral eyes hits it off perfectly. My ruby spectral is undoubtedly one of my most gorgeous pieces.

      I have the ruby rising spectral myself, as it was the only one that interested me enough to get past the eyes – The sculpt is AMAZING in person, and it’s actually one of my favorite pieces of all time now…he’s so graceful and his scale patterns are so pretty…BUT, I still think the eyes are icky. 😛

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


      Okay, now I’m curious. I think I’ll start a poll asking who like Spectral eyes and who doesn’t. Or has there already been one?


      Pam Thompson wrote:

      Just a comment to all the haters of the current spectral eyes: make sure you see them in person before you pass judgment! Pics don’t really capture the true depth and color of a spectral’s eyes. You HAVE to see them on the ruby version, they look FANTASTIC! I never loved spectral eyes that much either, or the ruby dragons, but the ruby color plus spectral eyes hits it off perfectly. My ruby spectral is undoubtedly one of my most gorgeous pieces.

      Oh so very sorry to have offended you. I have seen them in person and I could have had both the sitting and the rising in Emerald. (I’m not sure now it was a while ago) Don’t assume that we have not seen them in person. I absulutly HATE THOSE EYES. Sorry if that offends those who Love those eyes but, that is my opinion. I stand by that.


        Pam Thompson wrote:

        Spectrals with regular eyes would be… Interesting.. I don’t think it would look bad, though personally, I much prefer the current spectral eyes. And I will second what everyone else said, it isn’t a “spectral” without the eyes!

        If you want to try them with regular eyes though, don’t let us stop you. I am still curious to see what a spectral would look like with regular eyes, even if I would never buy one.

        Just a comment to all the haters of the current spectral eyes: make sure you see them in person before you pass judgment! Pics don’t really capture the true depth and color of a spectral’s eyes. You HAVE to see them on the ruby version, they look FANTASTIC! I never loved spectral eyes that much either, or the ruby dragons, but the ruby color plus spectral eyes hits it off perfectly. My ruby spectral is undoubtedly one of my most gorgeous pieces.

        I agree! The eyes are what make them ‘spectral’!

        And I’ll second your final paragraph- I HATED the ruby color and thought it was not only ugly but boring… until I saw one in person! Then I saw how much depth and lustre it had… wow! My ruby scratcher, which was a gift from my dear friend Vantid, is now one of my favorite posessions! 🙂
        And I wasn’t sure about the spectral eyes until I saw them in person either. I always thought, from photos, that they looked cheesy. I was wrong! They’re really neat! 🙂

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Okay, now I’m curious. I think I’ll start a poll asking who like Spectral eyes and who doesn’t. Or has there already been one?

          There has not been one.


          And you didn’t go ahead and start it yourself? I’m surprised at you, Ski. 😀


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            And you didn’t go ahead and start it yourself? I’m surprised at you, Ski. 😀

            I was not sure if you really wanted to have one or if it was just a passing fancy. Its hard to tell. Typed words dont offer much in the way of inflection.


            And you were worried about wasting bandwidth or bytes or something? 😆 You know it’d get answers either way.
            Well, it’s started now.


            Arlla wrote:

            Pam Thompson wrote:

            Just a comment to all the haters of the current spectral eyes: make sure you see them in person before you pass judgment! Pics don’t really capture the true depth and color of a spectral’s eyes. You HAVE to see them on the ruby version, they look FANTASTIC! I never loved spectral eyes that much either, or the ruby dragons, but the ruby color plus spectral eyes hits it off perfectly. My ruby spectral is undoubtedly one of my most gorgeous pieces.

            I have the ruby rising spectral myself, as it was the only one that interested me enough to get past the eyes – The sculpt is AMAZING in person, and it’s actually one of my favorite pieces of all time now…he’s so graceful and his scale patterns are so pretty…BUT, I still think the eyes are icky. 😛
            I have the emerald rising and sitting one. I still don’t like the eyes.


              Romeodanny wrote:

              Pam Thompson wrote:

              Just a comment to all the haters of the current spectral eyes: make sure you see them in person before you pass judgment! Pics don’t really capture the true depth and color of a spectral’s eyes. You HAVE to see them on the ruby version, they look FANTASTIC! I never loved spectral eyes that much either, or the ruby dragons, but the ruby color plus spectral eyes hits it off perfectly. My ruby spectral is undoubtedly one of my most gorgeous pieces.

              Oh so very sorry to have offended you. I have seen them in person and I could have had both the sitting and the rising in Emerald. (I’m not sure now it was a while ago) Don’t assume that we have not seen them in person. I absulutly HATE THOSE EYES. Sorry if that offends those who Love those eyes but, that is my opinion. I stand by that.

              *whines and cowers*
              Irk! I wasn’t meaning any offense, and not assuming anything! I’m not anti anti-spectral persons, I was just encouraging anyone who doesn’t like spectrals and HASN’T yet seen a spectral in person yet to do so, since they do look very different in person. If you’ve seen spectrals before and still hate them, I have no problem with that. What am I supposed to do, track you down and beat you with Windstones until you agree to say “I like spectrals”? 😀 We all like different things and are all entitled to our own opinions about things. I already have my spectral so it doesn’t matter too much to me even if the eyes do get changed over. I’m not trying to start a fight or bash anyone for thinking differently than I do, honestly! Please don’t hate me…


                Poor Pam. You get all the flak here!


                Pam Thompson wrote:

                Romeodanny wrote:

                Pam Thompson wrote:

                Just a comment to all the haters of the current spectral eyes: make sure you see them in person before you pass judgment! Pics don’t really capture the true depth and color of a spectral’s eyes. You HAVE to see them on the ruby version, they look FANTASTIC! I never loved spectral eyes that much either, or the ruby dragons, but the ruby color plus spectral eyes hits it off perfectly. My ruby spectral is undoubtedly one of my most gorgeous pieces.

                Oh so very sorry to have offended you. I have seen them in person and I could have had both the sitting and the rising in Emerald. (I’m not sure now it was a while ago) Don’t assume that we have not seen them in person. I absulutly HATE THOSE EYES. Sorry if that offends those who Love those eyes but, that is my opinion. I stand by that.

                *whines and cowers*
                Irk! I wasn’t meaning any offense, and not assuming anything! I’m not anti anti-spectral persons, I was just encouraging anyone who doesn’t like spectrals and HASN’T yet seen a spectral in person yet to do so, since they do look very different in person. If you’ve seen spectrals before and still hate them, I have no problem with that. What am I supposed to do, track you down and beat you with Windstones until you agree to say “I like spectrals”? 😀 We all like different things and are all entitled to our own opinions about things. I already have my spectral so it doesn’t matter too much to me even if the eyes do get changed over. I’m not trying to start a fight or bash anyone for thinking differently than I do, honestly! Please don’t hate me…

                😳 I’m so sorry. It didn’t come out the way I wanted. I don’t absulutly hate them and I’m not against anyone who does like them. Have you ever seen a blind eye? You know the ones that are white or blueish white? That’s what they make me think of. Ich. I wasn’t trying to start a fight. I’m sorry. 😥 I’m very snarky at this time of year. I don’t mean to take out my snarky-ness on other people. Will you forgive me?


                  Yes, most definately, of course I can forgive you 😀 It’s ok, my post that you first responded to didn’t turn out sounding quite the way I had intended for it to sound like either, and I know what you mean about having snarky moods.
                  Look at us, falling all over each other with apologies!


                    SPark wrote:

                    but what would make it a spectral if it had flat eyes? That’s the point of the spectrals, isn’t it?

                    Also, speaking of spectrals, the gal at the Briar Shop told me the sitting spectral in peacock has been retired for like a year. That’s not right, is it? Weren’t they only retired with the rest of the peacock stuff just this month? I went in there to get one, and they were all out! So I got a ruby oriental sun dragon instead.

                    No, that’s not right. I just got one for my store stock from Windstone. It just got retired with the rest. I took an actual picture of the one I got and blackened out the back so it matches the other pictures on my site. Check it out and tell me what you think.

                    The Hatching Empress Dragon is a picture I took too. I’m going to try to take pictures of some of the others I have in too, so people can see the one they’ll actually get.


                      Its very nice. Im just waiting for a special color. Your website is Sweeeet.

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