Emperor has been sold

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Emperor has been sold

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  • #862980
    Wampus Dragon

      Ask someone to borrow an Emperor box, its NOT worth getting an old brown broken. Theyre near impossible to ship without the box. That tail isnt meant for it. My emerald is broken because of it.

      I wouldnt ‘believe’ that they know how to pack it to ship. The glaring reason is they didnt know what it was worth to collectors in the first place.


      I’ll totally echo Wampus on this point, it’s VERY worth it to get someone to lend you a box for shipping! I did that for my old green emp a few years back and it arrived in perfect shape. With something as rare as your find (congrats too BTW!) don’t take any chances! I always hate to assume that sellers don’t know or don’t care about proper shipping, but it really never hurts to insist that things be done the best way. If I had an emperor box I’d be happy to lend it, unfortunately I don’t. Best of luck and hope he gets home safe!

      Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


        Well that was fast. I just got a refund from the seller with no explanation other than “Sorry”. And I had just cleared a space for him next to my other old browns too.

        I’m guessing that someone offered the seller more money, so they reneged on the sale. 🙁 I am so bummed right now.

        Wampus Dragon

          That sounds like someone contacted them. That sounds shady too. I think thats Ebay fraud?


            If we are correct, then yes, it is eBay fraud. But I don’t think there’s much I can do. Even if I report them, they are a brand new zero feedback seller, so they don’t have any reputation to lose. They could just start a new profile.

            I’ve sent them an email asking why they refunded my money, but they’ll probably just give some excuse. Arggh, so frustrating.

            EDIT: The seller says he broke it while packing it up. *narrows eyes suspiciously* I’ve offered to buy it anyway; if he says no, then for sure it’s fraud. But if he’s telling the truth, then hey, I’ll take a broken old brown emp.


            As fishy as it all sounds, I hope he’s willing to sell you the ‘broken’ emp! A few years ago I purchased a chipped old brown male through Ebay and while we were discussing packing, the seller mentioned that oh, the damage occurred when his big brown dragon got knocked off the shelf. I inquired further and learned this was indeed an emperor! I told him I’d be happy to try and restore the emperor’s pieces, unfortunately by then it was in a landfill. Sadness!

            Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


              Sadness indeed! It’s always disheartening to hear about Windstones that have been thrown out due to damage, never mind such a rare gem as a brown emperor. I’ve got my fingers crossed that the seller is being honest and that I can get my brown emp.


              That sounds fishy indeed. Sadly we can’t go to their house & demand an explanation. *sigh*



                :(( !!! sounds fishy to me. I would report it!!


                  That was an awesome deal….I can”t believe I missed that! I have been wantiong to get an Old Brown Emperor fro such a long time!

                  Someone got a real good deal!



                  That was an awesome deal….I can”t believe I missed that! I have been wantiong to get an Old Brown Emperor fro such a long time!

                  Someone got a real good deal!

                  Actually, read the whole thread, no one got a deal, the seller backed out.



                    you should contact ebay and tell them your suspicion and request evidence that it really did break.


                      The same person is selling a male and baby kirin on ebay now.

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