Emerald Peacock Available @ Grandio

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      I don’t have a lot of the Rainbow left, but my Peacock figures are still retail. Hint hint. 😉 (Hey, I gotta put a plug in where I can! 🙂 )



        Good luck selling them all. It’s sometimes really hard when you’re trying to advertise without being annoying, I’ve found. I wish I could just constantly post about what I’ve got for sale, but I’d just tick off everyone. Especially as I’m not selling Windstones, usually, so it wouldn’t even be on topic, which your little “hints” are. *grins*


          SPark wrote:


          Good luck selling them all. It’s sometimes really hard when you’re trying to advertise without being annoying, I’ve found. I wish I could just constantly post about what I’ve got for sale, but I’d just tick off everyone. Especially as I’m not selling Windstones, usually, so it wouldn’t even be on topic, which your little “hints” are. *grins*

          Thanks. I hope I’m not annoying. I just know you folks love Windstone and probably know other people that do too. My Web site is fairly new and I can’t afford to buy ads, especially where it may not be the right market for the items. So, I hope you all forgive me for plugging once in a while.


          I like plugs, helps us get our bearings on who sells what where and for how much- that kind of information matters to me.


            Thanks, Cheryl. Good to know. 😀


            I never said I wouldn’t go back to Grandio ever, just not for retireds (the smart dealers are the ones who keep the original prices for now, they will sell out much faster than the ones who raised them). Emerald, I am keeping an eye on your plugs…trust me 😉 and they are not annoying! 😯 I am glad to know you are there. 😀 Right now I am at a standstill because X-mas is coming and I been snapping up the Windstones one after another since I didn’t have funds to do so during the year. But now I need to concentrate on the other people I have to buy for (but I do get a paycheck the day after Christmas!*hint hint* 😆 that has nowhere to go 😯 )until the season is past. 😈
            When that day comes I am going after the rest of the retireds I need or I will be playing catch-up for the rest of my natural life. 😳


              Gosh I wish Christmas was just for me!


                skigod377 wrote:

                Gosh I wish Christmas was just for me!

                I guess you could make it that way if you wanted to! Others in your family might be upset with it but eventually they would get over it.


                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Gosh I wish Christmas was just for me!

                  I guess you could make it that way if you wanted to! Others in your family might be upset with it but eventually they would get over it.

                  You know…I really should. My family has not sent me anything for Christmas. Thats not so bad, but they dont send Justin anyhting either. I send all of them things for Christmas, you’d think they could manage to send a card for my boy. *Fumes* sorry, back on topic… Wow… I cant wait to get one of those new em pea dragons!!!


                  Ski, with much lov eI have to say your family sux! Not even a card for your kid- WTF?! If my parents ever pulled that shi* I’d never speak to them again and Kyle wouldn’t have need to either!


                    CherylKaufman wrote:

                    Ski, with much lov eI have to say your family sux! Not even a card for your kid- WTF?! If my parents ever pulled that shi* I’d never speak to them again and Kyle wouldn’t have need to either!

                    Yeah…I got the short end of the stick 😕


                    Hey Ski! What is Justins favorite color?

                    While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                      Keplilly wrote:

                      Hey Ski! What is Justins favorite color?

                      He says gold. Well, he said, “Golden.” Im sure that is the same thing.


                        That is really horrible. Too bad they do not realize how it can effect someone especially a young person. I wish I was not so BROKE right now.


                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          That is really horrible. Too bad they do not realize how it can effect someone especially a young person

                          Meh, I dont even think he notices. Not yet, anyway. He sure will notice before too long. I just got to thinking about it to day as I ate my nutless ice cream and it bugged me. Im sure tomorrow I will be fine.

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