Dragon87 photography, Feb 6

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    BDW convinced me too. So they get posted, mostly flowers though (not much else in the middle of Edmonton, even in the park). And some of the cat and the fish. 😀



      😀 YAY! PICTURES!!!!

      😕 what are you talking about “not that good”?
      They look great! 😀


        Pretty, I really love the sepia toned ones.


        Very nice. The woodsy ones remind me of Northern MI 😆

        Go ahead Click one ***


          I love the road going through the wood. 😀


            The woods photos are beautiful. Is that area close to where you live?


            Lokie wrote:

            The woods photos are beautiful. Is that area close to where you live?

            Smack dab in the middle of Edmonton! It’s in a park called Rundle park, it’s basically across the street. Basically. It’s about a 10min walk with the construction along our normal route through there.

            It was SO HOT that day. I just wanted to up and die from the heat, I forgot to bring water… *bad Dragon87*


            The do look great! I like the sepia pictures, and the little fishy. 😀


              I like the sepia pictures and the pansies! Very nice!


                Lovely, lovely work! I’m glad Nathy convinced you to share! 😀



                Though now this thread goes into obscurity, my camera got taken away until Christmas (and it took some begging to keep it for as long as I did). So until winter, maybe I few more will go up, maybe not. They were mostly from one day.

                THANKS though!


                  Wow! Beautiful. I like the pansies a lot. And the picture of your beta is really nice. Mine won’t hold still for a decent pic.

                  I got a nice picture that I’ve been wanting to share, so maybe I’ll try to post it tomorrow. And a few others too. I’ll start my own thread, of course.

                  I hope your camera isn’t taken away for too long. You take nice photos! 😀


                  They’re lovely! Especially the flowers 😀


                  The camera’s been gone for all of 2 days and I miss it already… how am I going to get through fall (and all of it’s inherit prettiness) without it?! Especially since my other camera is a piece of… well… let’s just say it’s not gold. 😉

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