Dragon Powers?

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    Ok, I grew up reading wads of comics, so I’m obsessed with super powers. I’m just curious as to what powers these dragons have. I remember reading a book along time ago that assigns different power/ characteristics to each color of dragon. Do you guys think all these dragons breath fire or their colors dictate what they spit out. I choose to believe the latter, because it makes each color more unique. This is how I see their individual powers:

    Browns- fire
    White- ice blasts
    Blacks- acid

    Others I have to think about…what do you guys think…



      I think that can only be answered by Melody. I NEVER relly thought about what each dragon would breath


        I always thougt they all breath fire. Maybe not the hatchlings but they havn’t learned yet.


          vapordragon wrote:

          I always thougt they all breath fire. Maybe not the hatchlings but they havn’t learned yet.

          I figured the hatchling and young had not learned yet


          There is a book out…I think it’s called “Dragonology”..not sure, but it assignes specific characteristics, and powers to different types/colors of dragons, as well as where they live, how large they get…etc. Anyone heard of that book?
          It’s an interesting read for anyone interested in dragons. What’s also cool is that most dragons live extremely long…thousands of years, if not more, and sometimes they would live a part of their lives as a human. They are also of course wiser than us. I’ll try to look that book up next time I go to a book store…


            Dragon Master wrote:

            vapordragon wrote:

            I always thougt they all breath fire. Maybe not the hatchlings but they havn’t learned yet.

            I figured the hatchling and young had not learned yet

            Yeah the young can only get a little puff of smoke. 😆


              i think colors would show different temperments too. like Whites calm and patient/loyal,,but not really fire breathers. they seem very relaxed. Rubies i see as fire breathers and very energetic, but very loyal.
              Peacocks seem to have a lot of character. they seem docile but a small amount of unpredictable nature to them.

              Rainbows like whites seem very docile and relaxed but no heat from them at all.

              of course this is just my opinion about them. they seem to me to be very much like cats. cat breeds and colorations can greatly determin a cat’s temperment.


                DROGO wrote:

                There is a book out…I think it’s called “Dragonology”..not sure, but it assignes specific characteristics, and powers to different types/colors of dragons, as well as where they live, how large they get…etc. Anyone heard of that book?
                It’s an interesting read for anyone interested in dragons. What’s also cool is that most dragons live extremely long…thousands of years, if not more, and sometimes they would live a part of their lives as a human. They are also of course wiser than us. I’ll try to look that book up next time I go to a book store…

                That is the right name I have the book


                I copied this off a website I googled called The Circle of Dragons http://www.blackdrago.com/colors.htm :

                Red Dragons
                Due to the color’s red symbolic achievements, these dragons can vary. On one hand, the dragon can be passionate and drive for what he or she does. For instance, they may enjoy terrorizing small towns. On the other, they can be a fire-breathing menace that spew blood and hate around the world. Often, these dragons are known to have a bad temperament.

                Many dragons in mythology are red, and many of them that are in poems are red, too. Why? Red has conflicting symbolism: blood, fire, love, and passion. It is easier to put a face on a creature with one or more of these aspects, yes? Poetic compositions especially exaggerate red.

                For Eastern Dragons, Red is the color of chaotic storms. The Red dragons are a symbol of the West, and they cause storms when they fight in the night.

                Blue Dragons
                Blue is a sullen, cold color that often is associated with the water or ice. Most blue dragons are calm and peaceful, unless they are sea serpents. Sea serpents are said to be mean and overbearing to any and all ships, so they are normally bad tempered and spiteful. However, blue also makes people think of ice.

                Ice blue dragons usually live in cold places and hibernate the whole time. They especially like hoarding things and are often overprotective of their items. Ice dragons are seldom told of, however, as most dragons live in warm places.

                Eastern Dragons are of the purest azure colors. They are a symbol of the East, and are pacifying and calm.

                Green Dragons
                Green is an earthly color. Thus, the green dragon is often associated with the world, vegetation, and nature. Some people believe that some green dragons spew acid instead of fire or ice. Also, most green dragons can command forces of nature.

                Forces of nature include things like growth, earthquakes, and fluxes in the landscape. Lore is another thing that people have attributed to green dragons; they attract people with earthly tidings and such wondrous things. However, green dragons are often thought of as creatures that gobble up humans.

                Purple Dragons
                Purple has been a sign of royalty for a long time. Probably because the pigment is so hard to achieve. Purple dragons are seldom heard of in stories, but they are classified as the bossy kinds of dragons that place themselves high. Otherwise, they are the goofy ones that try to please others.

                Puff the Magic Dragon was purple, and so many people take his attributes and tack them onto purple dragons. Sadly, Puff was not the only purple dragon! Most of them are boisterous and the exact opposite of Puff, too, how strange is that?

                Silver Dragons (sorry, no silver type)
                Silver dragons are thought to be very reflective and thoughtful. However, silver dragons are often extremely hoarding and are too occupied with taking and guarding their materials than to share their insight with other dragons. Silver dragons like shiny object of any kind, but especially mirrors.

                Another factor of silver dragons is that they seldom leave their cave. They almost always hibernate and hide. Many think that silver dragons are also associated with the internet, which would be quite a sight, watching a grump dragon pounding on a key board!

                Bronze Dragons
                Bronze dragons, though seldom heard of, hold high ranks among other dragons. Probably the best-known role is in Anne McCaffrey’s the Dragon Riders of Pern series in which they are the highest ranking male dragons. Contrary to the Pern series, though, bronze dragons enjoy hoarding as well, though they aren’t as much as silver dragons.

                Another thing to know about bronze dragons is that they seldom are written of. Why? It is harder to make a character with so little stereotype in the color. Pern also has shaped the dragon in many ways, but, after so much shaping, it only really fits in Pernese stories.

                Black Dragons (cant type in black)
                Black dragons are thought to be the most evil. They have deceptive ways and are often out only to meet their own needs. They are known as the Plight of the Land, usually, and are loathed by the people they live near. When you think about it, black dragons are like undead dragons, they are considered evil because of the color. ***side note: as a black lover, I think this is total BS!***

                Black is known as a color of evil because it represents night, and in the night you can not see (BS!!!!!!). So, it is clear why black dragons get such a bad reputation. I have not read a story about a good black dragon just yet, but there are some in Pern…rare, though.

                For the Dragons of the East, black is a chaotic color. Black Eastern Dragons are said to cause lightning storms when they fight. They are also said to be symbols of the North.

                White Dragons
                White dragons are among the wisest dragons there are. Perhaps because they are associated with the light and righteousness. Though white dragons are considered wise, most stories tell them as evil as well, because they never tell the whole truth.

                White dragons are also found in Chinese folklore and such. I remember being told a story about Yin and Yang, and the stories used two dragons to represent it. Yin was black, and Yang was white. The dragons were equals, and they both were needed too keep a peaceful balance in China.

                White, for the East, is also a symbol of mourning. White Eastern dragons are said to be an omen of death. Which, mind you, the Chinese did not deem evil. They were symbols of the South.

                Gold Dragons
                Gold dragons are revered as kings and queens of dragons in most stories. Others hold them as greedy hoarders that will settle for nothing less than gold and gems. When they are kings and queens, they are often good ones, and are fair and proportionate to all dragons.

                Gold dragons are often mood less when in public and pleasant as friends. In Pern, they are actually the opposite. They are bossy, dominant, and self-indulgent. They can even be rude to their Weyrmates, too.

                Yellow dragons are similar. For the Eastern Dragons, Yellow dragons were the most revered and well-thought of. However, they were secluded and were only seen at “the perfect time”.

                *** My two cents… this is overly stereotypical but I entered the first site I googled just to get the ball rolling. Personally I find almost all their traits, regardless of color, in this instance, to be the same. Im offended with the description of not only the black dragons but the meaning of the color black overall. In my own spirituality, black is not a dark, devious color/meaning. So, you dragon lovers, take this with a shaker of salt, rather than a grain. I prefer to make up my own opinions of the colors and what the actual colors mean to me and my own beliefs. Only thing I can see here is agreeing that Green has to do with the earth, growth, healing, etc. I have my own meanings of colors and that is what I would project onto the dragons. But, I also take into account how that dragon is making me feel in its presence too. Im not of the mindset that dragons have anything to do with evil doings or menace. I find them fiercely protective of those deserving. Dragons are more than myths for me; I believe they did exist in smoe way, during Jurassic periods. Dont get me started…***


                That’s interesting, PhoenixTears. I never bothered to look at the colors as being anything but superficial variations.


                Something from a tattoo site:

                The colors of the dragons have special significance, which are based on their parents. For example a dragon with a black color means their parents are very old and wise.

                Green dragons are smaller than average, but are representative of life and of the earth.

                Gold colored dragons are special because they have many special attributes such as wisdom, kindness and the ability to face challenges head on.

                Yellow dragons represent the east. They are great companions when you need a hand, but can be self absorbed at times.

                Blue dragons are from the west. They are forgiving and compassionate, but on the negative side can be lazy and uncaring when it suits them.


                I’m not sure I agree with all that, but it’s neat to read anyway. 😆


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                I’m not sure I agree with all that, but it’s neat to read anyway. 😆

                Yeh, I feel the same way. I find it very interesting, and makes the dragons we own even more unique from each other. I’m a big fan of black myself, so I guess my blacks are “reformed” 😀

                It would be cool to see a pure black dragon with red eyes, silver horns and claws, and maybe some red highlights.


                  That must be why I love my Peacocks so much…I love Puff the Magic Dragon!! I have it on videotape but looking to replace it with the DVD.

                  Puff the Magic Dragon
                  Lived by the sea
                  And frolicked in the autumn mist
                  In a land called Honah Lee

                  Now I’m going to have that stuck in my head all night…good thing I’ll be going to bead soon 🙂

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