Dragon pics

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      I am ‘Magical Rogue’ ahahahahaha XD

      Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



        Dragoneer…it was a Christmas gift so I didn’t ask.Sorry.I’ll let you know though….IF I remember to ask them the next time we talk.

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


        My dragon name is Valiant Venom, or Deadly Venom if using my nickname (which is the name most people know me as).

        While I love dragons, my dragon collection is rather small… and most of it is in storage. Stuff in storage consists of plush dragons, some McFarlane dragons, and an assortment of odds and ends. The stuff not in storage consists of a small Hagen Renaker, a Beachstone dragon, one McFarlane dragon that missed the trip to storage, a Pocket Dragon, a plastic Oriental, an opal glass Oriental, and a delicate glass dragon who hangs out with my GB Young Poad (their colors match). Oh, forgot the brass (?) incense burner and pewter pin! I think that is it, aside from my Windstones, which are all on display.

        I almost added a new pewter dragon last week, I keep eyeballing it when I go to a local gift shop near work. And there is a little glass dragon at the mall I was tempted by recently as well. So hard not to buy them!

        The glass dragons are visible in this older WS collection picture, as well as the foot of my Hagen Renaker dragon.


          Before marriage I was Merciless Slayer. Now I am Merciless Hunter….. what’s the difference? I didn’t realize I was such a terror! 0-:

          That makes my hubby Dark Hunter. I think he’ll like that.


            Before marriage I was Merciless Slayer. Now I am Merciless Hunter….. what’s the difference? I didn’t realize I was such a terror! 0-:

            That makes my hubby Dark Hunter. I think he’ll like that.

            LOL! Sounds like you’ve calmed down… Slayer sounds merciless, whereas Hunter sounds a little more ‘in control’ and picky about what they kill. 🙂

            Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
            Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

            *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
            *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


              I only have a few non-Windstone dragons, and most of them are by Forum members. 🙂

              Sea Dragon by opaldragon:

              Three dragonsnails by purplecat:

              Another dragonsnail, a Thorntail Dragon also by purplecat, and a random hatching baby dragon:


                I really like your Opaldragon seadragon and Purplecat dragonsnails Etruscan! Things admired in the past but never did get them.
                Your random hatchling is made by United Designs/Stone Critters I believe. I used to have one like it.


                  I finally had some time to contribute to this thread! Sorry for the crummy photos.

                  This HUGE artist print by James Christensen hangs by my front door.
                   photo 20151118_125243_zpssdlxtcdz.jpg

                  And this one by Scott Gustafson “A Confabulation of Dragons” is over the fireplace
                   photo 20151118_125109_zpsiknloxgv.jpg

                  I absolutely love the work of Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, and am lucky enough to own several of her originals. The first painting was commissioned by me.
                   photo 20151118_125340_zps0eolo5yi.jpg
                   photo 20151118_125310_zps35w2nkb8.jpg
                   photo 20151118_125026_zpsamqbjqfu.jpg

                  I also have several originals by Nico Niemi…
                   photo 20151118_125047_zpshlzpkyx7.jpg
                   photo 20151118_124803_zpsovf1j5m5.jpg
                   photo 20151118_125217_zpsdj58s5wn.jpg

                  …..Jasmine Beckett-Griffith
                   photo 20151118_124838_zps02xn99zk.jpg

                  …..Meredith Dillman
                   photo 20151118_124903_zpsdiz3m06e.jpg

                  and Teal Newcomb
                   photo 20151118_125004_zpspwcujpwi.jpg

                  This dragon hangs in my kitchen window. I have another with dragonfly wings in my bedroom, but this is my favorite.
                   photo 20151118_124927_zpso2voyeno.jpg

                  This is supposed to be an original Rick Cain sculpture….but I have my doubts (though it is signed).
                   photo 20151118_125406_zpsnga6opu4.jpg

                  My mom found these for me decades ago. They were horribly broken in a move…but I still love them.
                   photo 20151118_125157_zpsdzsbhpvy.jpg

                  I also have an etched glass vase by this artist…but it didn’t show up in pictures…
                   photo 20151118_125133_zpsmspd0xwz.jpg

                  My gorgeous sea dragon by opaldragon
                   photo 20151118_125451_zpsvmjsge48.jpg

                  And a wood intarsia piece that hangs by my stairs.
                   photo 20151118_125429_zpsd6oapux5.jpg


                    Does opaldragon still make these seadragons? Is there a website?


                      I dunno. ….I purchased mine through this forum.


                        So much fun looking at other dragons! This is my oldest daughter’s non-Windstone dragon collection.
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                        These are some little cuties I have picked up the last few Dragoncons. The artist is on Facebook: Mystic Reflections
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                        My girls and I really love the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik – basically an AU of “what if dragons really existed and were used as military assets during the Napoleonic wars”. The next three are various representations of Temeraire and Lawrence. The first is a print she bought at Dragoncon, the next two she created for my birthday – one is a drawing and one is paper piecing.
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

                        Hmmmm, I would be Merciless Fire-eater, my oldest would be Regal Fire-eater and my younger daughter would be Wicked Fire-eater. lol


                          I’ve collected dragons a long time. My collection doesn’t seem large enough for how long they’ve been “my thing”.

                           photo IMAG2126_zpso6i5o9xy.jpg

                           photo IMAG2128_zpsd7ltaxn1.jpg

                           photo IMAG2130_zps38nuvmoz.jpg

                           photo IMAG2131_zps6h85ayu8.jpg

                           photo IMAG2132_zpsdoznh6di.jpg

                           photo IMAG2133_zps6aeuatkc.jpg

                           photo IMAG2134_zpsc3iavfu3.jpg

                          I think I have some other dragons in a box somewhere. They didn’t make the china cabinet cut.


                            I do have some other dragons, most of which are on the table pictured below.

                            You can kind of see that Batman is standing on top of the lava lamp to the left, looking over everything. On top of the other lamp (my husband’s alien lamp) is a beanie dragon. And as for the picture in the center and the little jar in front of it, that’s a picture of myself and a couple other people cosplaying characters from the Silent Hill video game series at a convention. The jar is a Health Drink which I made from said video game (in case you were wondering, lol).

                            My mother-in-law got me the dragon playing keyboard for Christmas one year, because she knew I like dragons and I play piano, so… lol.

                            And this is a painting my cousin made for me for one of my birthdays as a teenager. It’s framed on my living room wall. It looks a little funky from the flash. I have a dragon poster in there as well, over my Windstone shelf, but didn’t take a photo of that.

                            I didn’t want to dig out my dragon necklaces for photos, but I have a few. I haven’t bothered with wearing jewelry in a long time, though.

                            It seems like I had my camera set to take somewhat smaller pictures than I intended. Hopefully you can see them ok.


                              Lovin’ all the dragons! 😉
                              That Kthulu baby dragon is just down right adorable.

                              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                                Phantomess…that alligator is adorable! 😀

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