Don't forget to vote!

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      siberakh1 wrote:

      Yes, absolutely! I drove my mom down this morning and we waited for maybe 10 minutes tops. Dad voted absentee (since he had to fly to FL this morning before the polls opened).

      I always make it a point to vote and find it silly those who say things like, my vote doesn’t count, or why does it matter, since I’ve seen elections that have come down to single digits votes to make a difference, and know that others in the world fight just to have the right to cast a vote. If you don’t like any of the candidates, write in someone. I just need to change my party affiliation to independent after the election, since I never bothered to change it after I first registered when I turned 18 (I just picked a box :roll:). I never vote by party anyways… I vote by ability (or perceived ability). I’m getting tired of people assuming I’ll vote one way or another simply based on what party box I marked randomly years ago.

      Since we still have the old lever voting machines, I’m strongly considering offering to assist at the next election in 2 years when the computerized election machines come in, since I’m a computer major and those who help out currently are no spring chickens and aren’t the most computer saavy.

      Don’t change to Independent, you’ll only be able to vote in the small elections not the big ones. πŸ™


      HESTON FOR PRESIDENT! (Yes, I know he is dead. All the more reason to vote for him.)


      *wipes the rabid foam from her jowls*

      (Pssst… I suggest not slinging stones about prop 8. I can take both side of the fence on that one. I happen to live out in the “boonies” of California, and there are a legit point or two I can think of over that.)


        dark_zorse wrote:


        I agree!!!!!!!! um too late tho πŸ˜‰


        2Huberts wrote:

        dark_zorse wrote:


        I agree!!!!!!!! um too late tho πŸ˜‰

        i tried for quite a while to get Super Grover elected but i didnt get the internet publicity i was going for ..Myspace and UTube failed me πŸ™


          darjeb wrote:

          Here in FL the early voting caused people to wait in lines hours long but when I went to the polls this morning about 9:15AM I got right in – no line – no wait I ws surprised I was in and out in less than 10 minutes – Thanks to all you Floridians that voted early. You would have to see our “new” ballot to believe it it makes the infamous “Butterfly” ballot of 2000 look good it is so bad.

          that is soooo reassuring.. πŸ˜• you would think they’d pull their heads out and figure out a good way to do it


            Dragon Master wrote:

            Well I guess I’m the first one to mention names.
            GO OBAMA!!!!
            I can’t believe that in CA of all places we have this STUPID Prop 8 where the Church goers etc are trying to ban Gay Marriage. I have seen so many Yes on 8 signs since I live in the booneys that it makes me want to PUKE!!
            I don’t have a partner and even if I did I might not ever actually want to get married BUT no one has the right to tell me I can’t.

            Two of my friends who live in Cali have been enraged and up in arms about Prop 8. They made signs, would stand on street corners with their “no on 8” signs and stuff. All my friends in Cali are voting No on it.
            There is a video on youtube that says same-sex rights = rise of Hitler. What? Hitler discriminated against one thing, the Jews, because they were Jews. These people are discriminating against one thing, same-sex couples/marriage, because those people are homosexual… so shouldn’t THAT be the rise of Hitler?
            This is a good video to really say what this is about… I thought it was cute πŸ™‚
            I’m so glad my state voted pro-gay marriage last time around (and from what I understand, it was the only state). Equal rights means equal rights.


            Just got back from voting, it was in and out thankfully! Weren’t even in the building a full 3 min!


              2Huberts wrote:

              Don’t change to Independent, you’ll only be able to vote in the small elections not the big ones. πŸ™

              I originally marked independent and have never been turned away from an election.
              Here in SC, morning waits were over 2 hours. I went after 11 and it was an hour from the in door to out.
              Its good so many people are turning out to vote.


                As far as the candidates go this year (without getting myself into trouble) I basically have no opinion on either. They both equally suck, but I’ve got a good hunch on who’s going to win. ( you know when you get that feeling people will say anything to win ) I’ve had that vibe for months now. *sigh* Once it’s over with I will be very happy πŸ˜‰ I think I’ll stab my eyes out if I see one more mud slinging ad campaign!

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  Dragonsrest wrote:

                  2Huberts wrote:

                  Don’t change to Independent, you’ll only be able to vote in the small elections not the big ones. πŸ™

                  I originally marked independent and have never been turned away from an election.
                  Here in SC, morning waits were over 2 hours. I went after 11 and it was an hour from the in door to out.
                  Its good so many people are turning out to vote.

                  Weird, I just went in a week ago to see what it was going to take to change parties and that’s what the elections office lady told me when I brought it up. Maybe just in Florida? But that doesn’t make any sense.

                  or am I thinking Liberal? 😳 πŸ™„


                    2Huberts wrote:

                    Dragonsrest wrote:

                    2Huberts wrote:

                    Don’t change to Independent, you’ll only be able to vote in the small elections not the big ones. πŸ™

                    I originally marked independent and have never been turned away from an election.
                    Here in SC, morning waits were over 2 hours. I went after 11 and it was an hour from the in door to out.
                    Its good so many people are turning out to vote.

                    Weird, I just went in a week ago to see what it was going to take to change parties and that’s what the elections office lady told me when I brought it up. Maybe just in Florida? But that doesn’t make any sense.

                    or am I thinking Liberal? 😳 πŸ™„
                    In Florida if you are registerd as a non-partisan voter then you can not vote in the primary elections. Maybe that’s what yo are thinking of. I know this because I managed to register to vote in Florida on the last day possible but couldn’t remember what party I had been registered with in Alabama so checked non-partisan.


                      2Huberts wrote:

                      Don’t change to Independent, you’ll only be able to vote in the small elections not the big ones. πŸ™

                      Actually, Independents (or any minor party for that matter) can vote in any election, except for caucuses and primaries (which are party dependent). Anyone of any party can vote in ALL local, school, congressional, or national elections, so long as you are registered in your district and have been a resident for the required minimum amount of time prior to the election you are looking to vote in. Party doesn’t affect what vote you submit. Anything different would be subject to question by state or federal board of elections. I know of several friends who are independents who vote in the larger elections without issue. πŸ™‚

                      I do have to say I will miss our little lever machines. Being a computer admin and having programmed, unless a paper trail is put into the mix, I can’t say I trust that the machine wasn’t programmed correctly, with no checks to verify errors, like a multiple count per single vote for a candidate, or a count not processing through, etc. (this is why NYS has been stalling on the ones being accepted… still finding errors in the new technology and no safe guard to check… a paper trail is still being looked at to be included, among other options).


                      Kujacker wrote:

                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      Well I guess I’m the first one to mention names.
                      GO OBAMA!!!!
                      I can’t believe that in CA of all places we have this STUPID Prop 8 where the Church goers etc are trying to ban Gay Marriage. I have seen so many Yes on 8 signs since I live in the booneys that it makes me want to PUKE!!
                      I don’t have a partner and even if I did I might not ever actually want to get married BUT no one has the right to tell me I can’t.

                      Two of my friends who live in Cali have been enraged and up in arms about Prop 8. They made signs, would stand on street corners with their “no on 8” signs and stuff. All my friends in Cali are voting No on it.
                      There is a video on youtube that says same-sex rights = rise of Hitler. What? Hitler discriminated against one thing, the Jews, because they were Jews. These people are discriminating against one thing, same-sex couples/marriage, because those people are homosexual… so shouldn’t THAT be the rise of Hitler?
                      This is a good video to really say what this is about… I thought it was cute πŸ™‚
                      I’m so glad my state voted pro-gay marriage last time around (and from what I understand, it was the only state). Equal rights means equal rights.

                      Equal rights, huh?

                      As it stands now, any gay couple may stroll into a church and demand to be married, by state law, even if the church objects (At least, this is how the laws read out, to me. If someone can point me to a credible correction of California Law, please do so. I am tired of reading political double-speak). Most couples have more sense than to go to an objecting establishment, but rest assured, someone will, because someone always does. This is why we have so many dumb-seeming laws in the first place.

                      Seems to me that if it were to be truly equal, then the churches (as individual establishments) would not have to be legally obligated to marry same-sex couples if they did not want to. Forcing your beliefs on the church is just as bad as the church forcing it’s beliefs on you. And sadly, two wrongs never, ever make a right. However, same-sex couples should have the right to marry, just not in an objecting establishment.

                      But, seeing as how people can’t be that open minded, and that straightforward in thinking (and certainly, not in lawmaking) it will not happen. Gavim Newsom, along with that grade-school teacher has probably just shot this cause in the foot. And rightfully so.

                      Just my two ‘sense’.

                      For the record, I did not vote for Obama, or McCain.

                      -Dark_zorse, off to hoot for owls.


                        Kujacker wrote:

                        Hitler discriminated against one thing, the Jews, because they were Jews.

                        Actually, he discriminated against other groups too (there were other symbols used in the camps)… Sorry just the historian in me poking through πŸ˜‰ I knew what you meant though. πŸ˜‰

                        Dark_zorse, I always considered marriage to be more of a religious ceremony. Technically, if you wanted true separation of church and state, you’d have marriage performed only by a religious holyman/woman (priest, vicar, minister, rabbi, imam, monk, shaman, etc.), while secular would be by the state (call it what you like. Rights preservered under law pertaining to property, insurance, etc., but leaving religion to religion. This always made sense to me, but I find it interesting how it is an idea that never seems to show up in any of these political fights (regardless of which side one stands on).

                        -> not stating views for or against Prop 8 because I’m not in CA and, being the touchy subject it is, don’t want to get into a debate over it on the windstone forum πŸ™‚


                          Glad eeryone is getting out to vote!!! πŸ˜€

                          I don’t know how you Americans put up with all the mud slinging and the campaigns that go on forever. We had our election here in Canada a month ago and after 35days (time from the election call to the vote) of campaigning I was sick of the adds and such

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