Does Anyone play "Horizons"?

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      Caisha wrote:

      Then a dargon I MUST BE. Custom skins yes/no?

      There are many many options, so yes, very customisable skins ^^


        It’s not as graphically impressive as some other games but playing as a dragon sounds like fun. Seems like everyone would play as a dragon. One big land wiuth all dragon occupants…hmmm still sounds fun.

        I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
        Engaged to a Weasel


          DantheDragon wrote:

          Nambroth wrote:

          Hehe! I play too, but Tyrrlin already knows that. I’m in the Ancients guild though.. we just finished two grand halls! They are wicked huge!
          I’m not in this video, I was unable to log on for the opening, but it shows how neat it is! Credit to Solanaceae for the video. 🙂

          Oh hey, what’s the owner’s name/location of that lair? I’d like to see it ^^

          That’s the grand hall belonging to the Ancients Guild! 🙂

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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          BiPolarBear wrote:

          It’s not as graphically impressive as some other games but playing as a dragon sounds like fun. Seems like everyone would play as a dragon. One big land wiuth all dragon occupants…hmmm still sounds fun.

          Nope, not everyone played as dragons. Back when I used to play (on the European shard Ice) dragons, as characters, were utterly crippled.

          Gnomes a hundredth of an adult dragon’s size had higher carrying capacity, strength potential, hit points… and despite being told that you could follow EITHER a crafting OR an adventuring path (and play as a biped-hating Lunus or a friendly and cooperative Helian) you were, if you wanted to progress in game terms, forced to play exactly the same way as every other dragon – cooperating with humans whether or not your character class was a Helian, forced to craft AND adventure if you wanted to gain flight….

          I left about six months after my partners did, because after a full year lairs hadn’t been implemented, dragons couldn’t contribute to building and game events except as donkeys… and we weren’t amazing donkeys either owing to that wonderful carrying capacity problem.

          The only thing good about the game was progressing to adult flying dragon and being able to fly over all of Istaria.


            I signed back on to Horizons today to check on stuff, and it seems my guild died out 🙁 *sniffles* All my friends seem to be gone too :-/

            Also, it seems that there is some issue with payment, so at the moment, I’m playing but not being charged x_X Being the honest person I am I tried to enter my credit card info and get them to bill me because I’m playing today, but it’s not working, lol.

            I’d really like a game I can casually play; warcraft sucks me in too much lol :X


            I think I remember Nam saying that Horizons was going bye bye, but that could be wrong.


              It’s still around. Do you want to join our guild?
              I can’t get billing to work either. The company that owns it is not very… well, we won’t go there. But I’m not paying and I can still play (and they seemingly won’t let me pay them) so who am I to complain! We’re level 73 now, trying to get to 100 so we can play as ancients. Then it’s lair building time.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                I’d love to if I’m welcome.

                Yeah, I’m not very impressed with the company either. I think the problems with the game will keep me from falling into addiction, but still allow me a place to socialise a bit and play around when I’m bored.

                I’ll have to get some of my stuff out of guild storage before I can join though. I noticed the Ancients chat, but I was too shy to introduce myself 😳


                  I played this game awhile ago but since I’m all wrapped up in EQ2 I didn’t keep the subscription. I’m trying to log back in, it shows my characters are still there but the patcher keeps telling me it failed to patch and won’t let me play 😥

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