Discussion on trading Windstones

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  • #758318

    I agree with Tinks! 😀


      I was lucky enough to get one and can’t wait to see her. She is for ME. I love purple, and this is the first color Windstone has had in a long time that I just “had to have.” If I get something and do not like it, or get tired of it, or need the space, I will sell it. There are no Windstone stores anywhere near me, so I cannot see anything before buying. I hope those who bought only to sell just did not think about those unable to get one, not that they just did not care.


      Well, nonetheless, we will be seeing these on Ebay soon, because for better or worse, these are the hottest item right now, and the sellers want to sell what people want to buy right now for the fastest return on their investment. It does a seller no good to have something around collecting dust, even if it is more valuable than the curlie, if they can’t sell it right now. Windstone does not question everybody about why they bought it, or make them swear on a bible that they will never sell or trade it, so that is just the reality. If you are going to buy “collector items”, you have to understand those factors, and you can actually use it to your own advantage if you play your cards right. 8)



          I still love that icon lamorte

          Got a busted Windstone?
          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          are you spanking me?? :shrug:


            Why do I sell a hot property. 😕 Bills, Critter food, electric, credit card bills for things for me, that unfortunately I’ve had to sell quite a few of lately That I’ll never be able to get again, because the construction trade is way off and Hubby hasn’t worked much. 😥 Helping other people in worse off shape than myself, The list goes on and on. And 49er is correct. I have all kinds of retired pieces, but if someone doesn’t buy they just sit. I need something to keep the cash flow moving.


            well ebay selling is what you do to make money, same as if somebody has a store, and you sell things for what a buyer is willing to pay for it. If you list the curlie, and the bidding gets “spirited” and goes up to $150.00, does that make you a bad person? I don’t think so. I sell concert tickets on Ebay, and maybe people think I am scalping, but again, it is what I do to make money. And I don’t sell for nearly as much as the others, I have a much lower reserve, and I have done all the “legwork”, such as waiting out in the cold for several hours for the ticket office to open. A lot of people don’t want to do all that, and would rather pay a few extra bucks to get a premium seat without working for it. Nobody has to buy or trade for these curlies right now if they don’t want to–they can wait for the next batch! If they don’t want to wait, or they want one from the “first” batch, of course, they can expect to pay more…


            I can see both sides of this argument as being completley valid, nothing is more frustrating then not getting “that” collectors piece. Usually if you miss out you just have to give yourself the mental picture of the people who did get themselves one loving it as much, if not more than you would have -to make yourself feel a bit better. Then you find out they didnt love it at all……just shatters your little bit of peace.

            On the otherside, I will not say I was not tempted to buy one of these guys to save for a trade on a later date. I missed out on them this round :), but when you know how popular they are and how few and far between somoehting like the gothic unicorn is its always nice to have a special piece up your sleeve as bait for a trade.

            My final comment…reading this whole thread has Admiral Ackbar’s voice screaming at the back of my head “ITS A TRAP!!!” 😀
            (dorky Star Wars reference) I can see this topic turning ugly fast. Everyone has there side and if we can all sympathise with one another then we will get along just fine :).


              49ER wrote:

              are you spanking me?? :shrug:

              Nah, she’s beating a dead horse. 🙂

              I don’t like the curlies. Getting an Amethyst didn’t even cross my mind. I did briefly think, maybe I should grab one just in case someone who really, really wanted one missed out. I didn’t. Heck, I didn’t even check the store to see if any were left. I’d do this as a favor, though, not to make money.

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              same here, I was going to get one for somebody else who had to work on the forum who asked for somebody to get one for them, but due to the one per person rule, I couldn’t do it.


                I never had a problem with trading Windstones, my problem was with the actual buying process…


                But it would be nice for everyone to get a fair chance at obtaining them in the first place as not everyone can sit refreshing in the forum/store all day. The system itself is flawed.

                Or perhaps if staggering the release of items is too time-consuming, some kind of official announcement that items will be added in the store in the next 12 or 24 hours so we know to refresh often? And not just an announcement when they’re already in the store?

                Food for thought.


                you’re right about that–there is no advanced notice, unless you have signed up for an email from Susie when they are being released. But the reality is, they always sell out within a few hours, or even much less, before the one per person rule, so as a business, it is just not something they need to do to get people to buy their product. I think the email alerts only apply to 2nd batches or later though, not things that have not been in the store at all yet. Besides, we have all heard the 1 or 2 weeks prior to the release that they were coming soon, Pam put a notice in the thread about where they were in the processing, and said it would be the following week, so we didn’t have to keep “refreshing the store” the previous week, and we knew to look for an announcement on the forum site in the following week, and Susie put it up, right after putting them up in the store.


                I’m confused as to why this is such a hot topic? People buy things for their own reasons, whether to sell or keep. From the pictures, the wings kinda looked flame-like to me (I believe I said gas flame) and if they look nothing like I was expecting, I’ll probably try to sell or trade. Does that make me a bad person, for selling or trading something that I decided I wanted, but then it was completely different in person?

                Or even someone who bought with the intention to sell. It’s a free world. You can’t say someone’s wrong for trying to turn a profit. It seems a little unfair to those who didn’t get a curlie – but, I hate to break it to you, life’s unfair. I hope that’s the worst injustice that you face.

                And like it was said earlier… beating a dead horse here. Can’t we just leave things as they are, without getting all pissy over a…. statue? Windstone is trying to be fair to everyone, but I don’t think we’re really being fair. It’s a lot of work to even do what they are doing. Limiting sales, putting out multiple batches, sending email alerts for those on a waiting list? Why do we expect more from a company that’s already done more then what they need to do to keep sales (because we all know that if they just put them out, didn’t tell anyone that they were out, and didn’t limit sales, they’d sell them just as fast. So it’s not economically better for them to do this other stuff. If you factor in time, they’re actually putting in more effort for the same price).

                I think we’re really lucky to have people like Susie, Melody, and everyone else at Windstone. And I think we all need to remember that.

                *goes into hiding to avoid things getting thrown at her*


                  49ER wrote:

                  Besides, we have all heard the 1 or 2 weeks prior to the release that they were coming soon, Pam put a notice in the thread about where they were in the processing, and said it would be the following week…

                  Can you guide me to this thread? So I know which area of the board I have to check for future pre-warnings? I only checked the actual Announcements category and saw Melody’s post when the store had already been updated. Would be nice to know for next time as I’m not in the “loop” so no one directly tells me. 😉

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