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      Although I think it sufficient to say that it’s not allowed to contact an owner more than once to express interest, I think Matty’s paragraph here explains why someone would want the raffle exception:

      “The night Melody announced that I was the winner of Silvertree I was so grateful and so happy. The trouble started just then for me. Within the hour of her announcement I received several messages by members.. asking for me to sell Silvertree. One individual messaged me several times, in less than a hour if you can believe it, not congratulating me, but actually demanded a response that I sell Silvertree as this member collects Pegasus has been a member for years and has not won a single raffle and basically suggested that it was unfair that a newer member such as myself win a piece that would be much needed to complete their collection. This message as you can imagine did not take in account of my feelings.”

      It is no fun for anyone to win something then have somebody else ruin that happy feeling by behaving like a spoiled child.

      And I also agree with penalties as expressed in Natashas suggested rule.

      Looking for:


        I would agree with the rule of it’s okay to contact someone once a year maybe asking if their piece might be available for sale or trade and I would include raffle items in that rule too only because I have seen a lot traded or sold just like any other piece.  I think expressing interest is fine but just not trying to pressure someone to sell.  If the person says no, then the inquirer should stop messaging.  If they continue to message or email several times after that asking if the person is sure or will change their mind, I think that is not fair to the owner of the piece and should not be allowed.  What about emails though?  If someone on the forum contacts people with emails instead of messaging on here, would the same rule apply?  I think it should apply to emails too as I tend to get more emails than messages here sometimes.

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


          So very sorry to hear that has been happening to you Matty and agree it should not be allowed. Hugs to you. Hopefully your coming forward will deter it from happening to someone else.


            I definitely think the raffles are an exception.  They’re an incredible gift!  Telling the person that they didn’t deserve to win or that you want the prize is tantamount to telling someone they don’t deserve their birthday present.

            Sure, raffles and eBay pieces are traded or sold, but that’s at the owners discretion.  Not pressure from others.

            As to the “contact once a year” option – its no, no way, not ever, as far as I’m concerned.  Once I’ve said no, I mean it.  Please don’t bug me agin.  Others may have another opinion.

            Life is beautiful.


              ugh, never got why some have to get all demandy pants on things…everyone should know asking nicely if they might trade or sell one day to think of them is fine but demanding since they never win,etc is awful…sorry this happened to you, most users here are awesome but there’s always those few bad apples anywhere, always remember the good people, block and forget the bad…..

              4 things I'm looking for:
              1. Mother Meerkat
              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                Re: the Raffle Exception suggestion

                The difference I see between raffle prizes and ebay or grab bag pieces is this … people can choose whether to show items in their collections.  If you post a photo of a Windstone, you know that you may get inquiries about trading or selling it.  This is why some people choose not to post photos.  However, Melody ANNOUNCES the winner of a raffle.  Everybody knows who has this special piece.

                As Natasha said, listing a raffle prize in a “Want” ad is fine.  It is fine if the owner wants to offer a raffle prize for trade or sale.  But, if the winner of a raffle prize does not want to sell or trade the piece, or to deal with several inquiries about it, I feel that the winner should be protected.  Just my thoughts on the matter!


                  However, Melody ANNOUNCES the winner of a raffle. Everybody knows who has this special piece.


                  perhaps Melody could ask the future winners if they want their name announced?

                  4 things I'm looking for:
                  1. Mother Meerkat
                  2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                  3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                  4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                    I had forgotten about the Quests.  I believe the same thing happened to at least one winner of a Quest and she eventually gave up her prize after being attacked for winning an Emperor when she “already had so many”.


                      I dont feel its really fair either that people should have to hide their beauties because of bullys. Part of the fun and experience is showing off what you get and I love seeing real pics of all and old stuff i didnt even know about. Bullys need to be dealt with so they know they cant keep being this way to others. I also dont know if its fair to stick someone with having to deal with the situations and the bullys when they probably already do so much at windstone. Im sure submitting names of them would result in a pattern of offense. It would need to be extreme, like mattys example, or like when someone says no and the person keeps messaging or emailing more than just to say thank you for your consideration (like sending an email and immediately 5 more saying to please respond.) If the person wont listen and refuses to take no for an answer, they are going too far and need to know it.


                        I understand after re-reading about several people mesaging offering to buy Matty’s raffle prize that that isn’t cool.  I think in a case like that if someone wins, unless they post they might consider trading or selling it I don’t think people​ should message.  I mean if they got one message down the road asking about it that doesn’t seem too bad but if a bunch of people message or one person sends several messages right after someone wins, that is not respectful to the owner.  I won a raffle in the past that I did list for trade but I have never asked anyone right after they won a raffle if I could buy or trade for their piece because they won it, not me.  I am actually surprised people would do that because that is almost like saying to someone at a birthday party that if they don’t like their present you would be happy to buy it from them.  Who does that?

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                          I do not agree with banning all contact about raffle prizes. When one I wanted badly was announced, I PM’d the winner. I congratulated her, said I would love to have it, but that I didn’t expect her to sell / trade. Then I described my offer, which I had come up with based on some things she said in the raffle announcement thread. She replied, saying the offer was attractive, and she would think about it. She ended up asking for more details about my offer, then accepted it.

                          That said, I do think the rules should be tighter for raffle prizes. I’m not sure how to phrase it, though.

                          My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                            I love how everyone tries to look out for one another here. I believe that is what the company had in mind when creating an online forum. Matty, I hope you can see that what you experienced is NOT the norm. Sadly though, it appears that quite a few people went through the same thing, to one degree or another. I also received multiple unwanted/annoying emails from someone who knew no boundaries. One email would have sufficed, but I started getting emails demanding I send pictures, being pushy about stuff I wasn’t selling, and then demanding that I answer them. I didn’t have time to respond to the first email before receiving 7 or 8 of them the same day. Pushing the elevator buttons repeatedly won’t get it there quicker, and it won’t make anyone answer your emails any quicker. If anything, you run the risk of being ignored/blocked – the squeaky wheel doesn’t always get the dragon!

                            I’m on side with GardenNinja and the others…I have been approached about something I wasn’t selling (albeit, it wasn’t a raffle/quest prize) but I was asked nicely ONE TIME about it and in the end, we ended up finding a happy trade. I don’t think the rules should be so specific that you are not allowed to initiate conversation about something that isn’t in the classifieds, no matter how the piece was obtained (ebay, store, quest or raffle).  At the risk of sounding unwelcoming to new members, we should be able to leave it up to the individual, to report to a moderator when they are feeling harassed/annoyed.  The moderator is basically the last resort, is it not? Just running through the comments, some people think it’s ok to be contacted once per year (give or take), while others do not welcome it at all.  I like everyone’s suggestions in this thread; let’s find a happy medium.

                            Matty, I’m sorry these people made you feel the way you do. No one is entitled to anyone else’s prize just because “they’ve been around longer” or “it’s their grail piece” or “they’ve never won anything and they need it to complete a family”. Melody’s raffles = DRAW AT RANDOM.  The majority of us know that.

                            Sorry for venting and basically repeating what everyone else has already said… this just burns me! I was mulling over my response for a few days. It seemed like the more I wrote, the angrier I got.  I hope the culprit(s) are reading this and that it’s sinking in. I’m done. Thanks for hearing me out.

                            Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                              As you can see Matty,and for that matter,everyone,is welcome and wanted here.The old cliche’s,one bad apple will ruin the whole bunch?Well,just toss away the bad apple and the rest are just terrific.Don’t go away.The awesome Ms.Melody,crew and members all care about each other here,that includes you,and losing any of us depletes our lovely menagerie.You will never find another company like Windstone Editions nor such a giving host as our Ms.Melody.All storms pass as will this one.Please don’t let it sour you.You are a most welcome part of this little community.Hugz🤗

                              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                                Here Here! Well said Bodine.

                                IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                                Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                                Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                                *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                                *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                                  Re: the Raffle Exception suggestion

                                  The difference I see between raffle prizes and ebay or grab bag pieces is this … people can choose whether to show items in their collections. If you post a photo of a Windstone, you know that you may get inquiries about trading or selling it. This is why some people choose not to post photos. However, Melody ANNOUNCES the winner of a raffle. Everybody knows who has this special piece.

                                  As Natasha said, listing a raffle prize in a “Want” ad is fine. It is fine if the owner wants to offer a raffle prize for trade or sale. But, if the winner of a raffle prize does not want to sell or trade the piece, or to deal with several inquiries about it, I feel that the winner should be protected. Just my thoughts on the matter!

                                  Hmm, great point. The raffle winner is announced publicly! Whereas everyone else can choose not to let anyone know, if they want, that they won or bought a given piece from ebay or from another individual. Hmmm.

                                  What if the rule goes like this (I will figure out exactly how to word it later, this is just the “spirit” of the rule):

                                  Individuals/users may only contact others to inquire about specific pieces NOT listed as “for sale or trade” once annually, and may under no circumstance “hound”, harass, bother, or otherwise bother that individual repeatedly. Individuals MUST respect the choices of other Windstone owners to reject or ignore requests to sell. Those found to be in violation of this rule will receive a warning, then a temporary ban (I need to make sure temp bans are possible), and repeat offenders may be permanently banned as determined by the Administrator (I think John would have final say here).

                                  Exception: Due to the public nature of raffle winner announcements, users may NOT directly contact raffle winners within one calendar year of their win to inquire about availability. Requests to buy/trade MUST, in this situation, be made as comment replies to the “Raffle Winner Announcement” thread on the forum, and must be kept to a singular, polite request, e.g. “Congratulations on your win! I really love this piece. If you ever decide to sell or trade in the future, I welcome your contact as I would be interested in buying/trading.”

                                  What do you think? That way if someone that wins a raffle DOES want to sell, they can see who is interested. I know that some people like to “offer” to buy in private, and normally that is fine, but with a raffle piece I think we should make an effort not to bombard the private messages of an individual.

                                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                                  My art: featherdust.com

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