Digital Camera tips ^_^

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    Keep giving tips, Sunhawk. I really like Gimp, even though I’ve just barely begun to figure it out.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Keep giving tips, Sunhawk. I really like Gimp, even though I’ve just barely begun to figure it out.

    Oh I’m glad that program is working out for you Basilisk ^_^ I’m not terribly familiar with it myself since I use Photoshop, but i know that has a couple of user-created tutorials that may or may not be useful to you ^_^


    Hey, I think I want to get a new digital camera for christmas, but I don’t know what kind to get. I think one of the Canon ones. I can probably get my parents to pay at least half way if I get a 500$ one, though I might be able to convince them to get an 800$. Do you guys have any suggestions for what I should get?


    I have a canon powershot s100. I don’t like it that much. I can take like 10 pics if I hurry and then the rechargable battery dies. It could be the battery, but I guess it does the job…it is just really fusterating.


    Canon Ixus are great cameras. Seriously, I’ve had a HP and used all sorts, and my Ixus remains my favorite. Very user-friendly, even if you don’t want all the fancy programs and functions.


      well canon, sony, and samsung are the one’s that I think are the best….mine wasn’t only a few hundred…..and it’s been really great….long battery life….tons of pictures….great zoom and all the other options……


      Saydee72 wrote:

      Hey, I think I want to get a new digital camera for christmas, but I don’t know what kind to get. I think one of the Canon ones. I can probably get my parents to pay at least half way if I get a 500$ one, though I might be able to convince them to get an 800$. Do you guys have any suggestions for what I should get?

      Here is the review for the Ixus(Elph) click the drop down box for the full review

      If I had $500 to $800 to spend the Canon EOS 350 would be my purchase
      At 8 megapixel and the ability to swap lenses…it would serve you well for a long time…
      Here is a picture I took with the Canon EOS 300(6 megapixels) with a 80-200mm lens in low light

      No matter what you end up with…keep a steady hand, take multiple shots from different angles and practice does not make perfect…but it will make you better.


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